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  • 1.  i have a ex4650 switch placed in virtual chassis configured with dhcp server on irb interface. but every time device receiving a new ip in few minutes. please help to configure minimum lease time.

    Posted 04-13-2023 18:31

    set access address-assignment pool wifi family inet network
    set access address-assignment pool wifi family inet range wifi low
    set access address-assignment pool wifi family inet range wifi high
    set access address-assignment pool wifi family inet dhcp-attributes maximum-lease-time 108000
    set access address-assignment pool wifi family inet dhcp-attributes name-server
    set access address-assignment pool wifi family inet dhcp-attributes name-server
    set access address-assignment pool wifi family inet dhcp-attributes name-server
    set access address-assignment pool wifi family inet dhcp-attributes router


  • 2.  RE: i have a ex4650 switch placed in virtual chassis configured with dhcp server on irb interface. but every time device receiving a new ip in few minutes. please help to configure minimum lease time.

    Posted 04-13-2023 18:41

    You can confirm what the current setting is with this status command
    show system services dhcp statistics

    I think without setting any it should be 2 hours.

    Do you have dhcp as an allowed service for the zone of the gateway interface?

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 3.  RE: i have a ex4650 switch placed in virtual chassis configured with dhcp server on irb interface. but every time device receiving a new ip in few minutes. please help to configure minimum lease time.

    Posted 04-14-2023 06:43

    This command is showing not valid on ex4650 and if this is by default two hours still ips are changing in few minutes after disconnect and connecting again.

    admin@jklucoreswitch> show system services dhcp statistics
    error: command is not valid on the ex4650-48y-8c


  • 4.  RE: i have a ex4650 switch placed in virtual chassis configured with dhcp server on irb interface. but every time device receiving a new ip in few minutes. please help to configure minimum lease time.

    Posted 04-14-2023 06:53

    Sorry, I missed this was EX and not SRX.

    Do you have the interface assigned in the system area?

    set system services dhcp-local-server group-name interface interface-name


    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 5.  RE: i have a ex4650 switch placed in virtual chassis configured with dhcp server on irb interface. but every time device receiving a new ip in few minutes. please help to configure minimum lease time.

    Posted 04-16-2023 01:41

    i have assigned the interface on irb and assigned ip addresses to irb interfaces and made them l3 interface. is there any issue with server identifier command. i have not assigned the server identifier command.

    set system services dhcp-local-server group IT interface irb.101
    set system services dhcp-local-server group admin interface irb.102
    set system services dhcp-local-server group faculty interface irb.105
    set system services dhcp-local-server group event interface irb.108
    set system services dhcp-local-server group residence interface irb.110
    set system services dhcp-local-server group wifi interface irb.104
    set system services dhcp-local-server group hostel interface irb.109
    set interfaces irb unit 100 family inet address
    set interfaces irb unit 101 family inet address
    set interfaces irb unit 102 family inet address
    set interfaces irb unit 103 family inet address
    set interfaces irb unit 104 family inet address
    set interfaces irb unit 105 family inet address
    set interfaces irb unit 106 family inet address
    set interfaces irb unit 108 family inet address
    set interfaces irb unit 109 family inet address
    set interfaces irb unit 110 family inet address
    set protocols router-advertisement interface irb.0
    set vlans IT l3-interface irb.101
    set vlans LAB l3-interface irb.103
    set vlans admin l3-interface irb.102
    set vlans cctv l3-interface irb.106
    set vlans event l3-interface irb.108
    set vlans faculty l3-interface irb.105
    set vlans fire l3-interface irb.100
    set vlans hostel l3-interface irb.109
    set vlans residence l3-interface irb.110
    set vlans wifi l3-interface irb.104


  • 6.  RE: i have a ex4650 switch placed in virtual chassis configured with dhcp server on irb interface. but every time device receiving a new ip in few minutes. please help to configure minimum lease time.

    Posted 04-16-2023 19:56

    The configuration looks complete.  Do you have any firewall filters applied on the switch?  
    If a protection filter is applied to the loopback or any fixed interface it might be interfering with the traffic.

    If not, we need to see what the status is of the EX dhcp system

    Confirm that all the settings configured are being activated
    show system services dhcp pool

    Also confirm that DHCP snooping, ARP inspection or Mac limiting are not enabled for port security.

    If none of this applies, we need to turn on logging, called trace options in Junos.  This specifies a file and we can see all the transactions and errors and see why the leases are being changed so frequently.

    Configure debug logging and commit
    set system processes dhcp-service traceoptions file dhcpLog 
    set system processes dhcp-service traceoptions flag all
    show logs after commit
    show log dhcpLog


    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 7.  RE: i have a ex4650 switch placed in virtual chassis configured with dhcp server on irb interface. but every time device receiving a new ip in few minutes. please help to configure minimum lease time.

    Posted 04-17-2023 01:00

    I have not applied any firewall filter on the switch. but i have enabled arp inspection on two VLANs.  Mac limiting is not there. i can remove them if required.

    admin@jklucoreswitch> show configuration |display set |match inspection
    set vlans hostel forwarding-options dhcp-security arp-inspection
    set vlans wifi forwarding-options dhcp-security arp-inspection
