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I do not understand why some juniper examples have switchoptions under the vlan like this.

  • 1.  I do not understand why some juniper examples have switchoptions under the vlan like this.

    Posted 01-24-2023 19:01
    I do not understand why some juniper examples have switchoptions under the vlan like this. 

    lab@ex1# show vlans 
    user {
        vlan-id 100;
        switch-options {
            interface ge-0/0/1.0;
            interface ge-1/0/0.0;

    when using this config alone,  the ports appear in the correct vlans. 

    lab@ex1# show switch-options 
    voip {
        interface ge-0/0/1.0 {
            vlan phone;
        interface ge-1/0/1.0 {
            vlan phone;

    using a different example, is this the compleate configto do the job ?

    interface ge-0/0/1.0 {
        interface-mac-limit {
            packet-action shutdown;
    interface-shutdown-action soft-shutdown;

    Simon Bingham

  • 2.  RE: I do not understand why some juniper examples have switchoptions under the vlan like this.

    Posted 01-27-2023 03:06
    This might be a very old or "quite new" way of configuring vlans (for switching) on interfaces. I am not aware of this syntax, I've never seen it on EX3300 ("classic" interface) or EX3400 ("extended l2" interface). I'd say just stick with the usual syntax.

    The second example is correct, just keep in mind that it should be under "ethernet-switching-options secure-access-port" and not under "interfaces" or "vlans". Most of the time you will defined an "apply-group" for this, to prevent you from having to type it all over again for each interface. It would have been nice if Juniper would have placed these options under the "interface" hierarchy.

    Erik Slagter