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EX4650 not bringing up new interfaces

  • 1.  EX4650 not bringing up new interfaces

    Posted 04-21-2023 09:26

    2x EX4650 switches in virtual chassis, running Junos 19.4R1-S1.2. When plugging in new optics in previously-unused ports, the ports are shown as administratively down, although they are not disabled in configuration. Some ports that have already had optics in them are not coming up - this might be a related or an unrelated issue. The following messages are logged under 'messages' log:

    Apr 21 09:01:18  AW-22 chassisd[8208]: CHASSISD_IFDEV_CREATE_FAILURE: ifdev_ifd_create_retry: unable to create interface device for xe-0/0/47 (File exists)
    Apr 21 09:01:18  AW-22 chassisd[8208]: CHASSISD_IFDEV_RTSLIB_FAILURE: ifdev_create: rtslib_ifdm_add failed (File exists)

    I checked the filesystem to see if maybe some partition filled up, but this does not appear to be the case.