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  • 1.  EX4600 unable to reset root password

    Posted 09-07-2023 10:36

    Trying to recover root password on my EX4600 switch using directions from https://supportportal.juniper.net/s/article/EX-Recovering-the-root-password-on-EX-Series-switches?language=en_US

    But when powering on the switch,  I never get the prompt in step 6

    1. When the following prompt appears, press the Spacebar to access the switch's bootstrap loader command prompt:

    Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or space bar for command prompt.

    when powering up, first i get this

    then i get this

    I tried repeatedly pressing space bar and escape key, didnt help


  • 2.  RE: EX4600 unable to reset root password

    Posted 09-07-2023 10:38

    I believe you want to use the Junos Recovery option here.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 3.  RE: EX4600 unable to reset root password

    Posted 09-07-2023 10:47

    Then what ?  All I am seeing is option to restore device from backup


  • 4.  RE: EX4600 unable to reset root password

    Posted 09-08-2023 03:44


    I think the message should be much earlier than the menu. Which version is it?


  • 5.  RE: EX4600 unable to reset root password

    Posted 09-08-2023 07:02

    I am not sure of version because I am not able to log in.  I took a video of the boot process and stepped through it frame by frame and the the two screenshots I posted are literally all I am seeing


  • 6.  RE: EX4600 unable to reset root password

    Posted 09-08-2023 13:04

    Again a sad example of poor Juniper documentation unrelevant to different products branded with the same name...

    The «EX» article is relevant for FreeBSD booting devices, whereas the EX4600 is actually an rebadged QFX5100, booting a Linux hypervisor with a VirtualMachine running FreeBSD+JunOS inside.

    I would try https://supportportal.juniper.net/s/article/How-to-recover-Junos-on-QFX5100-EX4600 to reformat/reinstall the gear...

    Olivier Benghozi

  • 7.  RE: EX4600 unable to reset root password

    Posted 09-07-2023 10:47
    Edited by WILL STOCKER 09-07-2023 10:48

    duplicate post