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  • 1.  EX4300-24P/48P +SFP Module Out-of-box

    Posted 04-22-2023 20:14

    For an upcoming project a consultant has specified both Juniper EX4300-48P and EX4300-24P switches. I'm new to the Juniper hardware line and unfortunitely having trouble determining what I think should be a pretty basic question.

    Before I go any further, three important points. The consultant specified these exact switch models; except in the case of an official end-of-life notice I can-not deviate from this hardware choice. I can not add any additional hardware/software/licenses other than what is directly required to physically mount the switch into a rack. I have to work exclusively with what hardware is handed to me. Additionally, I have no say or influence on where our procurement department acquires the hardware for this or any project. For this reason, Juniper partners are unwilling to assist me because there is no upside for their sales team to talk to me. Moving on...

    Some documentation seems to indicate that the Juniper EX4300-48P and EX4300-24P switches should each come with an EX4300 4-port 1GbE/10GbE SFP+ Uplink Module in-the-box. Others disagree and claim this is a separate part that must be ordered specifically in addition to the switch. Trying to determine which is correct for an out-of-the-box stock ordered EX4300-48P and 24P. If I don't have this uplink module I need to work out how to link my switches together with the 1G ports, but if I get this +SFP module with a stock EX4300-48P I can try to scrape together some SFP optics and try to increase my uplink capacity.

    Thanks to all!


    Eric McFall

  • 2.  RE: EX4300-24P/48P +SFP Module Out-of-box

    Posted 04-23-2023 13:06

    The modules are optional and not included in the base purchase line item.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 3.  RE: EX4300-24P/48P +SFP Module Out-of-box

    Posted 04-23-2023 15:23

    Hi Eric,

    on top of Steve's confirmation about the uplink module being optional, I can add that almost the entire EX4300 series of switches including EX4300-24P and 48PHAS been announced End of Sale (and therefore also end of life policy initiated) so you should be good to suggest an alternate solution.

    Officiel EoL notice: https://supportportal.juniper.net/s/article/End-of-Life-Announcement-EX4300-P-T-SKUs - last order date of the EX4300 SKUs are June 30th and I would highly recommend not using this for new setups.

    I would look at either EX4100 or EX4400 depending on your use case.

    Regarding interconnection between the EX4300; If you are still forced to use EX4300's you could always use two or the four 40G QSFP+ ports which are on the back of the switches. Just aquire 2 x 40G DAC cables. The ports cannot do break-out (40G -> 4x10G) - hardware limitation.

    I hope this helps you a bit.


    Jonas Hauge Klingenberg - Juniper Ambassador

  • 4.  RE: EX4300-24P/48P +SFP Module Out-of-box

    Posted 04-25-2023 16:47

    Hi Eric,

    The ex4300 is in EOL, the last sales was the last december 2022, but at the ti,e We bought these model our list is follow
    EX4300-48P (Switch)
    JPSU-715W-AC-AFO (power supply redundancy)
    SVC-ND-EX4300P24 (Juniper Care)
    EX-UM-4X4SFP (Fiber module)
    QFX-QSFP-DAC-1M (cable stack - optional)
    CBL-PWR-C15M-HITEMP-BR (power cable - optional). It depend of your region
    License (ESL - AFL)

    In my opinion the ex4400 switch is better 

    JPSU-1600-C-AC-AFO (power suppley redudancy)
    EX4400-EM-4S (fiber module)
    SFP-1G-LX-C (Gbic 1G)
    CBL-PWR-C15M-HITEMP-BR (Optional)

