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  • 1.  Delay LSP - DOWN (Admin-Group Extended)

    Posted 01-17-2023 14:12
    Hello Guys!

     So, seems to me that i have a problem with my LSPs. I can try explain for you guys. We work with admin-group-extended and always that we have an issue in the way, our lsp delay for off.

    Our working two ways, lsp protect (with protection) and lsp flat (no protection).

    Inside LSP-FLAT (no protection)  we doing a exclude for LSP-PROTECT (with protection): 
    admin-group-extended exclude flat 

    But, seems to me that we have a delay for LSP stay down, somethimes its delay 2 and 3 hours for lsp stay down and also somethimes a 1 min. 

                                                                                 adm-grou-extend protect      
                                                                                       R1______________   R2
                                                                                       |                                     |
            adm-grou-extend flat    >>>>           X                                    |         <<<<<    adm-grou-extend flat
                                                                                       X                                    |
                                                                                       | _________________ |
                                                                                       R3                               R4
                                                                                    adm-grou-extend flat 

    Ex: If we have a issue with R1 and R3 so our LSP-UNPROT (admin-group-extended exclude protect ) for to go R3 will pass R2 and R4 , but its wrong, its should fall fast (immediately), without delay. What's a happening that the LSP-UNPROT pass for R1 > R2 > R4 >  , and we have a delay for this LSP fall. Same that the LSP have a exclude in your configuration.

    Does anyone know what I can do?


  • 2.  RE: Delay LSP - DOWN (Admin-Group Extended)

    Posted 02-03-2023 13:26
    Hi. So... Do you using resilience features? Do look for behavior of the CSPF?

    Guilherme Rigueti

  • 3.  RE: Delay LSP - DOWN (Admin-Group Extended)

    Posted 02-07-2023 10:14
    Yes, i searched for everything and i don't found this resolution. But, i found a doc that talk about the Juniper not would implemented the RFC7308, Juniper would used different pre-RFC7308 (Referente Book: MPLS in the SDN era). And i dont know if Admin-Group-Extended work correctlly, i will study more about normal admin-group.

    For example, i dont found RFC7308 this DOC.


  • 4.  RE: Delay LSP - DOWN (Admin-Group Extended)

    Posted 02-07-2023 12:15

    Oh right! Maybe do you don't found this RFC because Admin-Group-Extended can be "take off (shared)" of SRLG and Fate Sharing.

    Admin-Groups-Extended is similar to Admin-Groups.

    For resilience of yours LSPs, you can employ features like as Fast-Reroute or Link and/or Node Protection.

    "But, seems to me that we have a delay for LSP stay down, sometimes its delay 2 and 3 hours for lsp stay down and also sometimes a 1 min."

    In this behavior, I think don't have some resilience feature running is the scenarios.

    Guilherme Rigueti