If I remember my Cisco correctly vlan 140 is untagged / native on that side.
Your Junos config has both vlans tagged so you need to add the command to make vlan 140 native.
IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)
Original Message:
Sent: 06-06-2023 15:35
Subject: Connecting a Cisco SW and Juniper with access port
Hi Spuluka, appreciate your time reviewing these!
I just realised that I have been looking at this wrong....... I got access to the customer SW, and the configuration on port 22 is actually like these:
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/22
switchport access vlan 101
switchport mode trunk
Allow me to type everything again....
Current configuration that works from ds1-sw-Cisco to Customers SW
Interface gigabitEthernet1/0/19
description PTP to Customers SW-Cisco V140
switchport access vlan 140
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport trunk native vlan 140
switchport trunk allowed vlan 101,140
switchport mode access
switchport nonegotiate
no cdp enable
spanning-tree bpdufilter enable
ds1-sw-Cisco to ds1-sw-Juniper
------> Removing ds1-sw-Cisco
I tried with the configuration below, but it didn't work.... so far, what I see here is that We received from the customers vlan 101, and then We used vlan 140 to connect customers' devices from our Network infrastructure.
do I need to do something like vlan rewrite? I am quite lost as I do not understand how it is being worked from the ds1.sw-Cisco...
ds1-sw-Juniper to Customer's Cisco SW
interfaces ge-0/0/12
description "PTP to Customers SW-Cisco V140";
native-vlan-id 140
unit 0 {
family ethernet-switching {
interface-mode trunk;
vlan {
members [ 101 140 ];
storm-control default;
-----Answering your questions
I confirm ge-0/0/12 does not appear anywhere else in the vlan section of the configuration
user> show configuration vlans | match ge-0/0/12 | display set
Original Message:
Sent: 06-06-2023 07:00
From: spuluka
Subject: Connecting a Cisco SW and Juniper with access port
The access port configuration looks correct and since it is untagged the vlan difference should not make a difference between the switches.
Could you confirm there are not apply group configurations adding to the port by looking at inheritance.
show configuration interfaces ge-0/0/12 | display inheritance
And confirm that ge-0/0/12 does not appear anywhere else in the vlan section of configuration
show configuration vlans | match ge-0/0/12 | display set
Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)
Original Message:
Sent: 06-05-2023 23:04
Subject: Connecting a Cisco SW and Juniper with access port
Hi Team,
I am trying to replace our distribution SW - "Cisco WS-C3750G-24TS-1U" with a Juniper EX34000
I have moved all the links to the Juniper, but still 1 Link remaining that I can't make work from the Juniper
How is currently Working:
ds1-sw-Cisco (WS-C3750G-24TS-1U) has port 19 configured as an access port with vlan 140 connected to a Customer's Cisco SW port 22 (We do not manage this-, it is working as an access port with vlan one untagged) We are only transporting the layer two from this customer to our ds1-sw so We can provide layer 2 service to several devices connected in our Network.
ds1-sw-Cisco to ds1-sw-Juniper (Trunk with native vlan 1; Tagged VLANs : management vlan 10 so I can still have access to ds1-sw-Cisco and vlan 140- For the Customer
Issue when trying remove ds1-sw-Cisco and only use ds1-sw-Juniper :
ds1-sw-Juniper port 12 connected directly to customer's Cisco-sw on port 22 -->it doesn't work I am not sure why this is happening.
We are not using vlan 1 on the same port because We do not want to use that vlan in our network. Instead, We use vlan 140 to connect customer devices, which works perfectly fine when connected from ds1-sw-Cisco to Customer SW
Juniper configuration
show configuration interfaces ge-0/0/12
description " Ag v140";
unit 0 {
family ethernet-switching {
interface-mode access;
vlan {
members 140;
storm-control default;
Hope someone can help me out here !