Hello there,
I am trying to interact with this website: https://supportportal.juniper.net/s/global-search/%40uri?language=en_US#t=KnowledgeArticles&sort=relevancy&f:ctype=[Security%20Advisories]
Via API(python requests) but i get:
Login successful
Cookie: {'renderCtx': '%7B%22pageId%22%3A%229c549d84-6de1-496b-bedf-0245790838e0%22%2C%22schema%22%3A%22Published%22%2C%22viewType%22%3A%22Published%22%2C%22brandingSetId%22%3A%22cb526f07-0748-4b05-be5b-33c6fb721936%22%2C%22audienceIds%22%3A%226Au3c000000fzdC%2C6Au3c000000TPBH%22%7D'}
Could not find session ID in cookie
So I am wondering if its actually allowed to interact with the mentioned website the way im trying to do: which is to run a regular script that checks for security advisories on different juniper products and let me know when there is any, but I cant get passed the session id cookie, so maybe i need a API key or something called Oauth2.0 , any insights would be appreciated. Maybe Juniper doesnt allow it for security reasons?