I don't understand the problem to the end don't know how to announce /32 to the other peers ?
Some example
set policy-options community BH members 65530:999
set policy-options community BH-PEERb members 65530:112
set policy-options policy-statement Announce-PEERb term 2 from protocol bgp
set policy-options policy-statement Announce-PEERb term 2 from community BH
set policy-options policy-statement Announce-PEERb term 2 then community add BH-PEERb
set policy-options policy-statement Announce-PEERb term 2 then community delete BH
I hope this is what you are looking for
Grzegorz Dacka
Original Message:
Sent: 03-06-2023 07:47
From: Anonymous
Subject: Advertise /24 to peer B when /32 with given community accepted from peer A (looking for hints in building import/export filters)
This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
I'm struggling with creating proper import/export filters for BGP peers on my Juniper MX router.
I have a BGP session with peer A (flow collector, detecting ddos attacks) - and when it detects a large DDoS, it announces to my router the attacked prefix ipv4 /32 with the needed community (say: 65530:999). The /32 accepted from peer A may be part of any of my /24 prefixes, stated on a prefix list called.. MY-PREFIX-LIST ;)
And so far: I've got it covered, the route to the /32 announced by peer A is installed in the MXa table.
In turn, to peer B - in such a situation I have to announce the whole prefix /24 to which the above /32 belongs.
Will be grateful for any smart hints :)