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  • 1.  6PE/6VPE support on MX104

    Posted 04-11-2023 08:09
    Hello everyone,
    I would like to know if I can implement 6PE/6VPE on MX104 router. I cannot seem to find this feature on the pathfinder website. Does this mean that it is not supported?
    I appreciate all your answers.
    Best regards,
    Mohammad Ayash


  • 2.  RE: 6PE/6VPE support on MX104

    Posted 04-12-2023 07:59

    Supported, works, like any other MX with MPCs.

    Olivier Benghozi

  • 3.  RE: 6PE/6VPE support on MX104

    Posted 04-13-2023 05:45

    Thank you for your response Olivier. BTW I tried your method from earlier conversation we had and both 6PE and 6VPE work!
