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  • Since I was using a combination of Ansible, PyEz scripts and Juniper Ansible modules, the requirement for that was that the SRX have NETCONF enabled. That as far as I can recall was the only pre-requisite that we had for the SRX. Well the ansible ...

  • Did you just run the junos upgrade script via the FXP? I get errors attempting that, made me think either the issue was my bastion host or those out of band ports dont support the connection methods being used. I tried configuring a whole script ...

  • Yes, I have used Ansible to upgrade SRX clusters in the past. It's not straight-forward since you can't typically have both nodes running at the same time with a different version of code. For example the following describes the manual process that ...

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    SRX Upgrade HA Chassis

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous Has anyone ever upgraded an SRX using ansible or another method for HA Clusters? I attempted to upgrade my srx lab chassis but it seems the module only upgrades one of the nodes (whatever ...

  • This is always a bit of a challenge, as MGD makes some changes to how data is presented from XML to text to cli etc. So any scripting approach is always going to require some adhoc changes to support some corner cases. A classic example of this is ...

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    XML to curly (or set)

    Hi, Is there any (preferably Juniper supported) way of converting junos XML to "curly" config (or set)? Eg. xslt/python? Thanks, AA

  • Ansible is very useful... and the Day One book on Automating Junos with Ansible is a good start. ------------------------------ PER GRANATH ------------------------------


  • JNCIA-DEVOPS Exam Overview webcast

    Sign-up for the upcoming #free expert-led online webcast on Automation & DevOps #JNCIA-DEVOPS certification and gain an understanding on #automation tools and associated best practices. Get a chance to get your questions answered live by our expert Jordan Head.

    Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 8 AM PST

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