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  • Okay, so choose any of the options available. show version | display xml ssh <device> -s netconf < rpc_file.txt curl -u "user:pass" http://ip_address:3000/rpc/get-system-information curl -k "user:pass" https://ip_address:3443/rpc/get-system-information ...

  • Andy, I'm not so much concerned about the format it returns, but that I can send a rpc command and the switch does respond. So, I would test my alerts with a boring command before changing them to power off commands. ------------------------------ ...

  • Okay, so the "| display xml rpc" only returns the RPC information for that particular command, it doesn't actually execute the command. If you want to see what the data returned is like within the CLI, then just omit the "rpc" from the command. e.g. ...

  • Hello, i wanted to ask if someone else had problem with replacing a member of a virtual-chassis from MIST, our customer had a problem on the FPC0 member so we replaced it, the procedure i followed was this one: Replace the FPC0 Member in a Virtual ...

  • I'm using the Rest API Explorer that I have enabled on a test switch. I was able to test the power off command, and that worked. Very good. Now, I want to test a command that won't requirement to wait for this EX 2300-12 to reboot each time. I would ...

  • If you want to see all commands for a particular version of Junos, then use the XML API Explorer instead. But honestly, I can't recall the last time that I encountered a command that I needed to use that wasn't supported via an RPC directly, or indirectly ...

  • I would expect so, unless using HTTP/S. I've not tried it myself, but HTTP/S would be the correct approach. Regards, ------------------------------ Andy Sharp ------------------------------


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