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  • It looks like you're missing an actual VLAN ID on each switch. set vlans vlan_1 vlan-id <ID>

  • Hi All I'm curious about how switches identify frames as being part of a primary vlan AND secondary vlan (community in this case). I have two switches set up in the below topology (ignore IP addressing labels). vEX1 Config: set vlans finance ...

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    RE: 10 G port flaping

    Hi Jim, This usually means there is either a bad fibre or a bad SFP module, replace thing at a time until the port stops flapping and then you will know what is broken. ------------------------------ HARRY ------------------------------

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    10 G port flaping

    I have a 10 gig fiber port going to 10 gig port on a ArcServe the SFP module is not a juniper product the port is enabled but the link is flaping Anyone have this issue ------------------------------ JIM STARR ------------------------------

  • Best explained with a diagram... (the port shown here is on a QFX 5100) Single-tagged VLANS 2-513,1000 ingress | | | \_/ ----------------- | | | ge-0/0/5 | | ...

  • Hi Techie, Do you mean a single interface within the range you're going to disable? Or match the range from a given 'down' statement on the interface? I don't believe there is a way you can create a rule to disable the 'down' interfaces, and ...

  • Thanks for the reply, so on one switch I want to disable the 'down' ports looks like this...is there an option to select only the 'down' ports I want to disable in a range? Thanks! tech@********-swi-01> show interfaces terse | match "down" ge-0/0/0 ...


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