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JUNOS Space SLAX script to demonstrate inserting a term before another 

01-17-2023 05:43

This SLAX script leverages the configuration-management API to create a change-request that includes configuration in XML format.  XML format is used in this instance as that provides the ability to insert a newly created term before an existing term.

The SLAX script is shown below and as an attachment.

    # <*******************
    # Copyright 2017 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
    # Licensed under the Juniper Networks Script Software License (the "License").
    # You may not use this script file except in compliance with the License, which is located at
    # Unless required by applicable law or otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties, software
    # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    # *******************>
version 1.2;

ns junos = "*/junos";
ns xnm = "";
ns jcs = "";
ns str = "";
ns func extension = "";
ns curl extension = "";
ns xutil extension = "";
ns jspace = "http://jspace-utils/";

import "../import/junos.xsl";

/* Junos Space specific context, name and description */
/* @CONTEXT = "/device" */
/* @NAME = "Add route target to policy" */
/* @DESCRIPTION = "Add route target to policy" */
/* @ISLOCAL = "true" */

var $curl = curl:open();
var $fabric = jspace:fabric();

var $arguments = {
    <argument> {
        <name> "termname";
        <description> "Name of term to add";
    <argument> {
        <name> "commname";
        <description> "Name of community to add";
    <argument> {
        <name> "vnitarget";
        <description> "Name of vnitarget";

main <op-script-results> {
    <output> {
        if ($fabric) {
            var $devices = jspace:credentials();
            if ($devices) {
                for-each ($devices/device) {
                    sort host;
                    var $myhost = host;
                    /* find the device using API call */
                     * url, content-type, item-type, condition, item
                    var $findDevice = curl:perform($curl,jspace:findItem(
                        "http://" _ $fabric _ ":8080/api/space/device-management/devices",

                    /* get the key of the selected device */
                    var $deviceKey = $findDevice/data/devices/device/@key;

                    /* make changeRequest using the API */
                     * url, content-type, deviceKey, orig-name, new-name, resync
                    var $results = curl:perform($curl,jspace:addTerm(
                        "http://" _ $fabric _ ":8080/api/space/configuration-management/change-requests",

                    if ($results/headers/code == "200") {
                        /* job accepted */
                        expr "Adding term " _ $termname _ "\n";

                        /* need to see if the commit was successful or not */
                        /* to get the XML data which is embedded within more xml needs lots of parsing... */
                        /* parse and convert the raw-data node */
                        var $parseOne = {
                            uexpr $results/raw-data/.;
                        var $parseTwo = xutil:string-to-xml($parseOne);
                        var $parseThree := {copy-of $parseTwo;}

                           parse and convert the change-request/xmlData node
                           this step is only required if you want to display
                           the configuration that was pushed to the device.

                        var $xmlDataOne = {
                            uexpr $parseThree/change-request/xmlData/.;
                        var $xmlDataTwo = xutil:string-to-xml($xmlDataOne);
                        var $xmlDataThree := {copy-of $xmlDataTwo;}

                        copy-of $xmlDataThree;

                        /* display the change-request/result */
                        uexpr substring-before($parseThree/change-request/result/.,"rpc-reply: ");

                    } else {
                        expr "Job failed with error code " _ $results/headers/code _ "\n";
        } else {
            expr "Could not identify the fabric!";

 * Used to identify the fabric that the script has been executed on
 * knowing this is essential in a multi fabric environment when making
 * RESTful API calls to Junos Space and using the session cookies for
 * authentication.
<func:function name="jspace:fabric"> {
    if( $CONTEXT ) {
        var $fabric = {
            if ( contains( $JSESSIONID, "server") ) {
                expr jcs:regex("\.(space-[A-Za-z0-9]+):server",$JSESSIONID)[2];
            } else {
                expr jcs:regex("\.(space-[A-Za-z0-9]+)",$JSESSIONID)[2];
        <func:result select="$fabric">;
    } else {
        <func:result select="false()">;

/* findItem */
<func:function name="jspace:findItem">
    param $url;
    param $content-type;
    param $item-type;
    param $condition;
    param $item;
    var $curlData := {
        <method> "get";
        <url> $url;
        <header name="Cookie"> "JSESSIONID=" _ $JSESSIONID _ ";Path=/;";
        <header name="Cookie"> "JSESSIONIDSSO=" _ $JSESSIONIDSSO _ ";Path=/;";
        <param name="filter"> "(" _ $item-type _ " " _ $condition _ " '" _ $item _ "')";
        <content-type> $content-type;
        <format> "xml";
    <func:result select=" $curlData ">;

/* add term */
<func:function name="jspace:addTerm">
    param $url;
    param $content-type;
    param $deviceId;
    param $termname;
    param $commname;
    param $vnitarget;
    param $syncAfterPush;   /* true | false */
    var $curlData := {
        <method> "post";
        <url> $url;
        <content-type> $content-type;
        <header name="Cookie"> "JSESSIONID=" _ $JSESSIONID _ ";Path=/;";
        <header name="Cookie"> "JSESSIONIDSSO=" _ $JSESSIONIDSSO _ ";Path=/;";
        <format> "xml";
        <contents> {
            uexpr '
                                    <term operation="create" insert="before" name="REJECT">
                                        <name>' _ $termname _ '</name>
                                            <community>' _ $commname _ '</community>
                                    <name>' _ $commname _ '</name>
                                    <members>' _ $vnitarget _ '</members>
                <device href="/api/space/device-management/devices/' _ $deviceId _ '"/>
                <syncAfterPush>' _ $syncAfterPush _ '</syncAfterPush>
    <func:result select=" $curlData ">;

 * Can be used to identify selected devices, and their credentials.
 * Must be used with PASSDEVICECREDENTIALS  = "true" annotation for credentials.
 * Must be used with EXECUTIONTYPE = "GROUPEDEXECUTION" annotation for multiple devices
<func:function name="jspace:credentials"> {
    if( $CONTEXT ) {
        var $splitCredentials = str:split( $credentials, "\\;" );
        var $targets := {
            for-each ( $splitCredentials ) {
                var $splitCredential = str:split( ., "\\:" );
                var $user-target = str:split($splitCredential[1], "\@");
                var $host = substring-before( substring-after( $deviceipmap, substring-after( $splitCredential[1], "@" ) _ "\":\"" ), "\"" );
                <device> {
                    <ipAddr> {
                        expr $user-target[2];
                    <user> {
                        expr $user-target[1];
                    <passwd> {
                        expr $splitCredential[2];
                    <host> {
                        expr $host;
        <func:result select="$targets">;
    } else {
        <func:result select="false()">;

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SLAX script example   9 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 01-17-2023
Rename from .txt to .slax to import into Junos Space.

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