As a book end to anyone else who finds this thread, Juniper has issued a KB article not to upgrade the PoE controller manually, but to instead let it be upgraded as part of standard JUNOS upgrades.
If you have already upgraded your controller and it is borked, contact JTAC for assistance. If you don't have a support contract, you may be able to fix it by performing a USB format install.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-01-2023 10:26
From: fb35523
Subject: POE Controller Failure After Attempted Upgrade
In case someone has this problem on an EX2300-24P, I can tell you it works there too! I'm on 21.2R3-S2 and the PoC controller in fpc1 failed as I was upgrading it from master fpc0. Reboot didn't help, but the procedure above did the trick.
request system firmware upgrade poe fpc-slot 1 file /usr/libdata/poe_latest.s19
Note: the extension "file /usr/libdata/poe_latest.s19" is a hidden command so you need to copy and paste that or type it in as it is. Expanding the keyword "file" will not work either.
The file /usr/libdata/poe_latest.s19 points to /packages/mnt/jpfe-EX34xx/... so I was a bit worried at first if this was for the 3400 only, but it only took a minute and then all was fine! Thanks Pradeep!
Original Message:
Sent: 07-11-2019 09:16
From: Unknown User
Subject: POE Controller Failure After Attempted Upgrade
Glad that it worked. Thanks for the confirmation.