On EX 23/34/43/43MP Running 20.4RX-SY versions of code and the the subscriber-managment does not work still. set event-options generate-event ClearSMLOG-ARG time-of-day "23:10:22 -0400"
set event-options policy ClearSMLOG-ARG-policy events ClearSMLOG-ARG
set event-options policy ClearSMLOG-ARG-policy then execute-commands commands "clear shmlog all-info logname all"
set event-options policy ClearSMLOG-ARG-policy then execute-commands output-filename ClearSMLOG-ARG-policy.text
set event-options policy ClearSMLOG-ARG-policy then execute-commands destination local-directory
set event-options policy ClearSMLOG-ARG-policy then execute-commands output-format text
set event-options destinations local-directory archive-sites /var/tmp/
Original Message:
Sent: 04-10-2020 12:23
From: Unknown User
Subject: shmlog eats all space on RE
I've found that some files with *.arg extensions located in /.mount/var/log/shmlog/arg concumes alot of space on RE and not rotated (cleared) automatically.
To fix this I switch to backup RE and delete biggest *.arg file by hand.
Last time it was 13GB
root@:/.mount/var/log/shmlog/arg # rm jdhcpd-event.95.jdhcpd.0.arg
I'm not using telemetry and:
subscriber-management { overrides { shmlog { disable; } } enable;}
Is it save to clear all files in directory /.mount/var/log/shmlog/arg?