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Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

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  • 1.  Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-02-2021 12:09
    Edited by emacdermid 03-29-2022 15:58
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    Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon 

    When: Tuesday, June 8, 11 AM-12 PM EST 
    Where: Here on the Elevate Community 


    Valued Community Members, 

    We invite all Elevate Community members to join us for an Ask the Expert session focused on WAN Automation and Paragon. Join the session and ask our experts, Peter Weinberger, Mats Nordlund, and Yasmin Lara, your WAN Automation and Paragon questions. 

    Submit Your Questions 

    No need to RSVP! Simply join us in the Ask the Expert community on June 8 at 11AM EST.  Make sure you reply directly to this thread with your questions when the event starts so the experts know what you want them to cover. If you are unavailable for the event but have questions, please send them to me via private message and I will post them on your behalf. You will be able to see all the questions and answers after the event. 

    As always, reach out to me, your community manager, if you need help or have questions about this event. 

    I hope to see you there!  

    Michael Pappas

  • 2.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:00
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    The Ask the Expert is now open! Please ask you questions to @Mats Nordlund @Yasmin Lara @Peter Weinberger

    Michael Pappas

  • 3.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:04
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    We received the following question!

    Can I see network topology with Paragon?

    Michael Pappas

  • 4.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:07
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    Yes, Network topology acquisition is implemented using BGP-LS or OSPF/ISIS which advertise node and link attributes such as IP addresses, link color, maximum bandwidth, reservable bandwidth, unreserved bandwidth by priority, metric, TE metric, Adj. SID and label , Router ids, ABR/ASBR flag, attached bit flag, overload flag, hostname, area ID, Spring capabilities.

    LSP information is also collected using PCEP (Path Computation Element Protocol)

    Yasmin Lara

  • 5.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:10
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    We have another question that was submitted:

    Can I use Telemetry and SNMP for collection traffic information?

    Michael Pappas

  • 6.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:11
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    yes,  Paragon Insights accepts data from various types of telemetry sensors and from traditional network management protocols like syslog and SNMP. 

    Data can be collected following two models: the traditional 'pull' data-gathering model where data is requested from network devices periodically, at a user-defined interval and the push' data-gathering mode which is now the preferred method, where devices send or push data to the collector regularly.

    Within this push model Paragon supports NetFlow, OpenConfig, Syslog which can report RPM test results, SNMP, netflow, and Junipers own propiertary GBP model.  These are referred to as Junipers Telemetry Interface (JTI)

    Within this push model Paragon supports CLI/NETCONF (referred to as iAgent, and SNMP.

    Yasmin Lara

  • 7.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:15
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    We received the following question:

    How is it with log analytics?

    Michael Pappas

  • 8.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:19
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    Absolutely, Paragon Insights can capture log information from network elements of interest, parse it like an expert system and create alerts, and run ML analytics on numeric data (anomaly detection/outlier detection/prediction).

    Peter Weinberger

  • 9.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:40
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    Our next question we received is:

    We are operating NorthStar and HealthBot products today, will the GUI for Paragon Pathfinder, Planner and Insights be the same or updated?

    Also, for HealthBot and NorthStar, can I still run the applications in standalone installs after upgrading to Paragon?

    Michael Pappas

  • 10.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:46
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    Great questions! We have integrated the products under a common and fresh UI. You should find all what you need if you have been a previous NorthStar or HealthBot user easily.  And yes, you can still run the products standalone, but it will be much easier and more convenient if you operate them from a common runtime.

    Peter Weinberger

  • 11.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:26
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    Is Anuta ATOM part of Paragon?

    Ellen MacDermid

  • 12.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:29
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    Yes, Anuta ATOM is part of the Paragon Automation Portfolio and we are driving integration with ATOM and the other Paragon components as an equal citizen. It does however retain its name as it is a partner product.

    Peter Weinberger

  • 13.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:30
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    Hi Experts!

    I was wondering, what is the difference between Pathfinder and Planner?

    Thanks in advance!

    Annie Moncure

  • 14.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:38
    Edited by Yasmin Lara 06-08-2021 11:38
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    Pathfinder uses real time data from BGP-LS and PCEP, Planner on the other hand uses snapshots of the network. With Pathfinder you can make changes in the actual network, like modifying the path of LSPs, or provision new LSPs.  In Planer you can simulate all kinds of situations like a node failure, link failure, traffic demands increases, and so on, without affecting the actual user traffic. Planner is basically a sandbox. You can have multiple network models in Planner to test different things. In Pathfinder there is only one network model, the one: the network model that is live and carrying real user traffic

    Yasmin Lara

  • 15.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:41
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    In addition, Pathfinder can export snapshots of the currently deployed topology and statistics into Planner, so one can work of fresh data to do the planning and simulation. A perfect pair to have.

    Peter Weinberger

  • 16.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:45
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    Thanks Experts! I have another question for you.

    What are the differences between using a JVM and using cRPD in NorthStar? Does Paragon have the JVM option?

    Annie Moncure

  • 17.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:46
    Edited by Yasmin Lara 06-08-2021 12:12
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    JVM runs in a virtual machine and can communicate with the topology server via NTAD (Network Topology Abstractor) or BMP. cRPD - Containerized routing protocol daemon  is Juniper's routing protocol daemon (rpd) decoupled from Junos OS and packaged as a Docker container to run in Linux-based environments. cRPD has a smaller footprint, is faster, and more scalable.  The current NS controller supports both options, in Paragon the JVM will no longer be an option.

    Also, the JVM supports both NTAD and BMP while cRPD only suports BMP.

    The JVM receives BGP-LS updates and forwards this topology data into to the Toposerver using (NTAD), which is a server daemon that runs in the JunosVM.

    BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP) can be used as an alternative to NTAD. BMP runs automatically when you install NorthStar, thought is not used unless you configure NorthStar and the JVM.   BMP is standard based, and only supports BGP topology acquisition. It is the recommended method running on cRPD.

    The NTAD process on junosVM is actually end of life and will eventually be not supported. Another reason to  chose cRPD. 

    Yasmin Lara

  • 18.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:48
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    We received the following question:

    How is Paragon Active Assurance different to using ICMP Pings?

    Michael Pappas

  • 19.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:56
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    While ICMP Ping is a useful application to verify that there is connectivity between one IP host and another, Paragon Active Assurance is a complete solution for both testing and real-time monitoring of data plane KPIs unavailable with Ping. This includes UDP metrics for one-way delay and jitter, packet reordering, packet loss, and multicast performance -- with support for TWAMP (RFC5357). For TCP, the solution measures stateful TCP throughput and efficiency (based on RFC6349). For services, metrics include HTTP and DNS response times, HTTP throughput, voice MOS quality, multicast performance, and HTTP streaming video quality.

    While ICMP is limited to sending 5 packets per second (for non-root users), Paragon Active Assurance can generate active synthetic traffic and measure one-way jitter down to tens of nanoseconds using hardware time-stamping features of Intel NICs.

    Also, all automation capabilities and metrics in Paragon Active Assurance are exposed through NETCONF or REST APIs of the controller, which can be either SaaS or on-premises.

    So our active assurance solution is much more than just basic ICMP Pings. I hope that explains.

    Mats Nordlund

  • 20.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:52
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    Thanks for answering these! I have another question:

    What are my options for installing NorthStar? Would they change with Paragon?

    Ellen MacDermid

  • 21.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:55
    Edited by Yasmin Lara 06-08-2021 12:10
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    In NorthStar, there are 4 different options using bare metal or virtual machines. 

    JVM will not be an option in Paragon, so the only options is to use cRPD in a container. Other components will also be implemented using containers. The NTAD process on junosVM is end of life.

    Yasmin Lara

  • 22.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:53
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    Can I upgrade from a valid Northstar controller license to Paragon Pathfinder license?

    Thanks again!

    Annie Moncure

  • 23.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:54
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    yes, we will honor preexisting valid Northstar and Healthbot licences and convert them to Paragon licences so you can upgrade.

    Peter Weinberger

  • 24.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:56
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    Experts! We received the following question:

    Is Paragon on site mgmt or is Cloud ?

    Michael Pappas

  • 25.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 12:00
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    Paragon Pathfinder, Planner and Insights are on-prem / on-site software at present. Paragon Active Assurance is offered as on-prem and as well as a SAAS / Cloud product.

    Peter Weinberger

  • 26.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 11:58
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    Experts! Another user wants to know:

    What about logs – can I have logs on Paragon Insight?

    Michael Pappas

  • 27.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 12:08
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    yes, you can! see above answers regarding logs within Paragon Insights.

    Peter Weinberger

  • 28.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 12:02
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    Hi Experts! Can you please help with the following question:

    Do I see delay, jitter,.. per interface?

    Michael Pappas

  • 29.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 12:07
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    Within Paragon Pathfinder you can see link and LSP related data for latency, not jitter.  Paragon Active Assurance gives you the ability to measure end-to-end or do network segment measurements at high fidelity for latency,  jitter and packet loss.

    Peter Weinberger

  • 30.  RE: Join us! Ask the Expert: WAN Automation and Paragon

    Posted 06-08-2021 12:40
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    Thanks everyone for participating in this Ask the Expert session. There were some fantastic questions, and many thanks to our experts for their time and answers!

    We are now closing this session. Looking forward to the next one!

    Thanks everyone!

    Michael Pappas