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  • 1.  MX-80 19.2R1.8 returns 500 Internal Server Error to REST API calls (by cURL or REST-API Explorer web page)

    Posted 04-27-2021 14:46
    Hi Juniper experts,

    I've a Juniper MX-80 running Junos 19.2R1.8 and I'm trying to use the REST-API calls.

    It always returns a 500 Internal Server Error, even though the REST calls seem to be processed, in response to curl or REST API Explorer embedded calls.

    Sending the RPC via Netconf interface of the same underlying XML API works fine.

    I have enabled the set rest traceoptions flag all, but the /var/chroot/rest-api/var/log/lighttpd log (available below) does not show much clues, at least for me. Since the Netconf way goes through, I assume the mgd process is fine and the problem is somewhere at lighttpd or mod_juise level.

    I've found similar issues with vSRX, but I don't know if the solution can follow the same path.

    Did anyone encounter this or could point towards further debugging?

    # curl http://a.b.c.d:3000/rpc/get-software-information -u "xxx:xxxx" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -H "Accept: application/xml"
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <title>500 - Internal Server Error</title>
    <h1>500 - Internal Server Error</h1>

    % tail -n 20 /var/chroot/rest-api/var/log/lighttpd
    2021-04-27 15:26:15: (../../../../../../src/dist/lighttpd/src/server.c.1412) server started (lighttpd/1.4.48)
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.736) mod_juise: connection_reset:
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.739) mod_juise: connection_reset: done
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.1841) mod_juise: physical: fn /www/rpc/get-software-information
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.1842) mod_juise: physical: uri /rpc/get-software-information
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.1753) mod_juise: start: looking at /usr/sbin/juise
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.1072) juise: argv: /usr/sbin/juise
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.1072) juise: argv: --rpc-on-box
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.1072) juise: argv: --auth-socket
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.1072) juise: argv: /var/run/rest_api_mgmt_sock
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.1072) juise: argv: --trace
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.1072) juise: argv: /var/log/juise
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.1072) juise: argv: /usr/sbin/juise
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.1945) mod_juise: handle:
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.736) mod_juise: connection_reset:
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.739) mod_juise: connection_reset: done
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.736) mod_juise: connection_reset:
    2021-04-27 15:26:31: (../../../../../../../src/dist/juise/mod_juise/mod_juise.c.739) mod_juise: connection_reset: done
    2021-04-27 15:27:41: (../../../../../../src/dist/lighttpd/src/server.c.936) [note] graceful shutdown started
    2021-04-27 15:27:41: (../../../../../../src/dist/lighttpd/src/server.c.2011) server stopped

    aph@JMX5T> show configuration system services rest | display set
    set system services rest http port 3000
    set system services rest control allowed-sources a.b.c.d
    set system services rest enable-explorer


  • 2.  RE: MX-80 19.2R1.8 returns 500 Internal Server Error to REST API calls (by cURL or REST-API Explorer web page)

    Posted 04-28-2021 14:00

    I'm with the same issue over here.. "500 Internal Server Error"..


  • 3.  RE: MX-80 19.2R1.8 returns 500 Internal Server Error to REST API calls (by cURL or REST-API Explorer web page)

    Posted 04-29-2021 15:34

    I'm with the same issue

    bruno cerqueira