This scenario can indeed be accomplished with the correct configuration of Static Routes and Routing-Instances. The two interfaces connecting with your Firewall should be on independent VRFs. Could you please share here the relevant configuration of your Juniper Router for review?
Hector Gustavo Serrano Gutierrez
Original Message:
Sent: 12-23-2021 19:02
Subject: forwarding the connection to the firewall and re-receiving it to another router
Hello, sorry for my bad use of English.
I have set up a structure as I have indicated in the picture below.
Step 1: I make a static route to the firewall for the connection request from the client.
Step 2: I forward all requests to the firewall to the same router via a 2nd port with a static route.
unfortunately falling into the loop at this point
I did some work on routing-instance, but unfortunately I couldn't come to a conclusion.
please help me what is the protocol i need to use in this matter
I would be very happy if there is an example configuration