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  • 1.  NAT configuration for Internet Access on MX 104 Router

    Posted 11-24-2021 05:51
    Dear All,

    In my office I have MX 104 router and subnet private  LAN subnet ( and a Public  a IP  and I want to do basic NAT for Internet access on my private LAN.
    Can Someone help me with configuration also I don't have Service Card for NAT in my router.   
    Private IP range :
    Public IP: 


  • 2.  RE: NAT configuration for Internet Access on MX 104 Router

    Posted 11-24-2021 16:30
    The general data sheet does show that the mx104 supports nat configuration. But it is not clear what license may be required for this.

    you could just try the basic configuration example and see if you get any license warnings once setup.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP)

  • 3.  RE: NAT configuration for Internet Access on MX 104 Router

    Posted 11-25-2021 08:06
    hi Vikas,
    If you don't have a service card on MX104, the only NAT that you can do is the inline NAT which uses the Trio PFE line card chipset.
    Here is the documentation:

    Eduardo Haro