Innovators Circle

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last person joined: 9 days ago 

A research-driven circle where members share feedback to help impact Juniper's direction. Members gain opportunities for rewards through e-gift cards and exclusive content. To become a member, simply click “Join Community” and follow the quick prompts.
  • 1.  Welcome to Our New Home!

    Posted 11-18-2020 12:19

    Welcome to the new home of the Innovators Circle! Cait has told me all about the group and the great research that you have contributed to – including helping with naming conventions for Elevate. I am excited to get to know you. To get started, let me know what your favorite feature is so far or what you are most looking forward to about our new community space!

    Innovators Circle Moderator

  • 2.  RE: Welcome to Our New Home!

    Posted 11-18-2020 12:25
    Haven't looked around much yet, but first impression is that the load times are significantly more responsive than the old site.


  • 3.  RE: Welcome to Our New Home!

    Posted 11-18-2020 15:36
    Edited by ankurv 11-18-2020 16:05
    The new look is for sure sleek and load times is way lower than before, will miss Cait for sure. Looking forward to make contributions to the new Juniper Elevate community.


  • 4.  RE: Welcome to Our New Home!

    Posted 11-19-2020 20:32
    Hello Lisa,

    Looking forward to getting to know you and the new format.