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  • 1.  VQFX ERPS Setup problem

    Posted 12-27-2021 05:57
    Hello everyone, currently using vqfx to configure erps has the following problems

    [edit protocols]
    L2CPD : Unable to parse vlan-id-list for IFL xe-0/0/10.0
    error: configuration check-out failed

    This is the setting of erps

    set protocols protection-group ethernet-ring RING1 guard-interval 2000
    set protocols protection-group ethernet-ring RING1 east-interface control-channel xe-0/0/10.0
    set protocols protection-group ethernet-ring RING1 west-interface control-channel xe-0/0/11.0
    set protocols protection-group ethernet-ring RING1 control-vlan VLAN4090

    This my configuration

    set interfaces xe-0/0/10 mtu 9192
    set interfaces xe-0/0/10 hold-time up 20000
    set interfaces xe-0/0/10 hold-time down 0
    set interfaces xe-0/0/10 unit 0 family ethernet-switching interface-mode trunk
    set interfaces xe-0/0/10 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members all
    set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface xe-0/0/10 apply-action-profile LFM_ACTION
    set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface xe-0/0/10 pdu-interval 1000
    set protocols oam ethernet link-fault-management interface xe-0/0/10 pdu-threshold 10
    set protocols lldp interface xe-0/0/10

    This is the vlan setting

    set vlans VLAN100 vlan-id 100
    set vlans VLAN1100 vlan-id 1100
    set vlans VLAN1101 vlan-id 1101
    set vlans VLAN1102 vlan-id 1102
    set vlans VLAN1103 vlan-id 1103.....to 4090

    How to solve the problem, thanks for the answer
    Attach the complete configuration file
