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  • 1.  Does Juniper EX2300 switch  supports 802.1X supplicant feature?

    Posted 12-05-2021 13:28

    does Juniper EX2300 switch  supports 802.1X supplicant feature?  (Can Juniper EX2300 switch be connected to another switch with 802.1X authentication enabled?)

    Kind regards,

    Michal Gurbski

  • 2.  RE: Does Juniper EX2300 switch  supports 802.1X supplicant feature?

    Posted 12-06-2021 11:18
    you can use the feature explorer tool to see which  platform and Junos versions specific feature. 

    This is the link to the 802.1x section including all the sub features showing which are on the ex2300 and the required junos version.


    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP)