SLAX Script Contents
* Author : Curtis Call
* Version : 1.0
* Last Modified : October 6, 2009
* Platform : all
* JUNOS Release : 8.2 and above
* License : Public Domain
* This op script displays the full chain of policy configuration for a given
* neighbor and import/export direction. Either the candidate or the committed
* database can be used, with the committed database used by default.
* Usage: op show-bgp-policy neighbor direction import
version 1.0;
ns junos = "*/junos";
ns xnm = "";
ns jcs = "";
import "../import/junos.xsl";
* The $arguments global variable is a special variable which JUNOS reads to build
* the CLI help for the script. The command-line arguments will appear within the help
* along with their description as long as the following format is followed.
var $arguments = {
<argument> {
<name> "neighbor";
<description> "Required: The BGP neighbor address";
<argument> {
<name> "direction";
<description> "Required: Policy direction, either import or export";
<argument> {
<name> "database";
<description> "Optional: Specify either the [committed] or candidate database";
/* These global parameters are assigned based on their corresponding command-line arguments */
param $neighbor;
param $direction;
param $database="committed";
match / {
<op-script-results> {
* The script first sanity checks the $neighbor and $direction command-line arguments. If they
* have not been set correctly then the script exits by using the <xsl:message> command element
* and specifying that the script should end by setting the terminate attribute to "yes".
if( jcs:empty( $neighbor ) or jcs:empty( $direction ) or
( $direction != "import" and $direction != "export" ) ) {
<xsl:message terminate="yes"> "The neighbor address and policy direction must be specified.";
* The database should be set to either "committed" or "candidate", if not then exit the script
* with an error
if( $database != "committed" and $database != "candidate" ) {
<xsl:message terminate="yes"> "The database is not set correctly.";
* This API element is used to retrieve the configuration. Either the candidate or the committed
* configuration can be used. The choice is based on the $database command-line argument. In
* addition the inherit attribute has been set. This is used to request that the configuration be
* retrieved in inherited mode meaning that all configuration from configuration groups will be
* inherited into its proper hierarchy level. This is done so that the script has an accurate view
* of the current BGP policy configuration.
var $get-bgp-rpc = <get-configuration database=$database inherit="inherit"> {
<configuration> {
<protocols> {
* The assembled API element is sent to JUNOS through jcs:invoke and the XML response stored in
* $bgp-config
var $bgp-config = jcs:invoke( $get-bgp-rpc );
* The BGP neighbor is extracted from the configuration through a location path. The last()
* function is used to guarantee that only one element node will be returned. It returns true
* only if the node is the last in the node list so only one node can be selected and assigned to
* $bgp-neighbor.
var $bgp-neighbor = $bgp-config/protocols/bgp//neighbor[name == $neighbor ][last()];
* Error check, if the $bgp-neighbor is missing than jcs:empty() will return true and the script
* will be terminated with an error message.
if( jcs:empty( $bgp-neighbor ) ) {
<xsl:message terminate="yes"> "BGP Neighbor " _ $neighbor _ " isn't configured.";
* Begin the output. The BGP neighbor will be shown first as well as the BGP group it is in.
<output> "BGP Neighbor: " _ $neighbor _ " in group " _ $bgp-neighbor/../name;
* The BGP policy list will now be retrieved. To do this the jcs:first-of() function is used.
* This is necessary because a BGP peers policy can be configured at up to three different
* hierarchy levels: the neighbor level, the group level, or the bgp level. The peer uses the
* policy configuration at the most specific level. jcs:first-of() works by checking multiple
* node-set arguments. The first node-set that is not empty will be returned. So in this case
* three separate location paths are provided (each of which results in a node-set). The first
* location path refers to any policies at the neighbor level, the second pulls policies at the
* group level, and the last pulls policies at the bgp level.
var $policy-list = jcs:first-of( $bgp-neighbor/*[name()==$direction],
$bgp-neighbor/../../*[name()==$direction] );
* Error check, if there are no policies then the script can terminate.
if( jcs:empty( $policy-list ) ) {
<xsl:message terminate="yes"> "There are no " _ $direction _ " policies for " _ $neighbor;
* The policy chain is now output to the console. This is done all within one line by writing
* the text strings to a single <output> element through the expr statement.
<output> {
if( $direction == "import" ) {
expr "Import Policies:";
else {
expr "Export Policies:";
for-each( $policy-list ) {
expr " " _ .;
/* A for-each will now loop through each policy individually to allow them to be displayed */
for-each( $policy-list ) {
/* Output the policy name */
<output> "\nPolicy: " _ .;
* The script must retrieve the text version of each policy one by one. By default the
* returned configuration is always in XML format. To see the configuration in text format
* use the format attribute and set it to "text".
var $get-policy-rpc = <get-configuration format="text" database=$database inherit="inherit"> {
<configuration> {
<policy-options> {
<policy-statement> {
<name> .;
/* Send assembled API element to JUNOS through jcs:invoke(); */
var $policy-text = jcs:invoke( $get-policy-rpc );
* The returned configuration will include the entire hierarchy including the policy-options
* statement and enclosing brackets. This is extra clutter that is not needed so it is removed
* by using the substring-after and substring functions to remove all the unnecessary characters.
* After which the complete text policy is output to the console.
var $cropped-text =substring-after( $policy-text, "policy-options {" );
<output> substring( $cropped-text, 1, string-length( $cropped-text )-2 );