You can check routing protocol process memory usage by entering the show system processes and the show task memory Junos OS command-line interface (CLI) operational mode commands.
The show system processes command displays information about software processes that are running on the device and that have controlling terminals. The show task memory command displays memory utilization for routing protocol tasks on the Routing Engine.
You can check the routing protocol process memory usage by using the show system processes command with the extensive option. The show task memory command displays a report generated by the routing protocol process on its own memory usage. However, this report does not display all the memory used by the process. The value reported by the routing protocol process does not account for the memory used for the TEXT and STACK segments, or the memory used by the process’s internal memory manager. Further, the Resident Set Size value includes shared library pages used by the routing protocol process.
For more information, see Junos OS Routing Protocols Library for Routing Devices