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Juniper Named a Champion in the Info-Tech Research Group SIEM Customer Experience Report

By Trevor_Pott posted 10-02-2019 05:00


image002.jpgThe results of the March 2019 Info-Tech Research Group Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM) Customer Experience Report are in and we’re proud to share that Juniper Networks was named a Champion. These results validate our Juniper Connected Security solution, along with our focus on simplicity, interconnectivity and automation. 


Juniper received the highest score among all vendors on Net Emotional Footprint, which measures high-level user sentiment toward SIEM vendors and their products.


The report provides clear evidence that our customers feel we're easy to do business with and further reinforces our industry-leading support. It sets us apart from other SIEM vendors and demonstrates that our ongoing commitment to our customers is empowering them to succeed.


We're especially proud that Juniper Secure Analytics ranked first in the following categories: 


Service Experience: Disrespectful vs. Respectful

Conflict Resolution: Lack of Integrity vs. Integrity

Conflict Resolution: Vendor Friendly Policies vs. Client Friendly Policies

Conflict Resolution: Selfish vs. Altruistic

Conflict Resolution: Big Fat Liars vs. Trustworthy

Conflict Resolution: Unfair vs. Fair

Product Impact: Security Frustrates vs. Security Protects


At Juniper Networks, providing the best experience possible to our customers lies at the core of our business values.


Quantitative vs. Qualitative

The Info-Tech Customer Experience Report is one of few reports that attempts to measure and assess traditionally qualitative parameters about vendor sentiment. Among the most important questions asked were those aimed at determining whether or not reviewers felt that a vendor was trustworthy. In the categories of “trustworthiness” and “client-friendliness”, customers also gave us consistently high scores.


Trust is an increasingly important consideration for vendors and customers alike. Modern data centers grow organically, with opportunities for forklift upgrades or cutover refreshes being few and far between. Meanwhile, cloud computing is becoming an integral part of IT operations in organizations of all sizes.


_customer_experience_awards_medal.pngCloud computing requires that customers trust vendors to not only deliver a functional product, but also feel confident the cloud back-end for that product works, the data is secure and that issues are handled efficiently, resulting in customer satisfaction.


Put simply, we know that trust is important. Trust can take a lifetime to earn but be lost in an instant. At Juniper, trust is especially important as we integrate more cloud-based capabilities into our products.


When our customers succeed, we succeed. Juniper is extremely proud that we finished first on measures of integrity, trustworthiness and perceived fairness.


Juniper Connected Security

Visibility is the key to success in information security. The greater the visibility, the more we can learn about and anticipate attacks. Visibility provides insight into threat activity of attackers, which is critical to thwarting attacks as they occur, but also for defending against similar attacks in the future.


Juniper Connected Security allows organizations to safeguard users, applications and infrastructure by extending security to all points of connection across the network. With Juniper, organizations can achieve more in-depth visibility in real-time at the network layer and integrate security and automation that protect against both known and unknown threats.


Juniper brings advanced security technologies together with industry-leading customer experience. See, automate and protect with Juniper Connected Security.

