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What are AI-Scripts?

By Erdem posted 03-30-2016 05:19



What are AI-Scripts?


AI-Scripts are specialized operational and event scripts from Juniper Networks that detect events and provide information for analysis, to periodically collect intelligence information, and to package all incident and intelligence event data into a structured format called a Juniper Message Bundle (JMB) and send it to a remote archive location so that it can be collected and displayed by Service Now. AI-Scripts are written in SLAX and FreeBSD shell scripts and are bundled, signed, and packaged like other JUNOS software bundles. AI-Script bundles are downloaded from the Juniper Networks software download Web site, and are installed on Juniper Networks routing platforms (devices) running Junos Release 11.4 and later.
Service Now can be configured to send event data to Juniper Support Systems (JSS). JSS collects incident and intelligence information from Service Now and sends intelligence information back to Service Now specifically for your network.
For more information about AI-Scripts, see the AI-Scripts Feature Guide

