001 /*
002 * Author : Curtis Call
003 * Version : 1.0
004 * Last Modified : October 8, 2009
005 * Platform : all
006 * Release : 8.4 and above
007 * License : Public Domain
008 *
009 * Description : utility-mib-helper is a script designed to perform helpful actions
010 * to the SNMP Utility MIB:
011 *
012 * walk-mib - Display the Utility MIB with the instances names optionally printed in
013 * ASCII. This ability to view them in ascii was added into JUNOS 9.6, but
014 * utility-mib-helper can be used to achieve this as far back as JUNOS 8.4.
015 *
016 * clear-instance - Clears a specific instance from the Utility MIB.
017 *
018 * clear-instance-regex - Clears multiple instances based on a regex value
019 *
020 * get-instance - Displays a specific instance in the Utility MIB.
021 *
022 * set-instance - Add/Edit an instance in the Utility MIB
023 *
024 */
025 version 1.0;
027 ns junos = "http://xml.juniper.net/junos/*/junos";
028 ns xnm = "http://xml.juniper.net/xnm/1.1/xnm";
029 ns jcs = "http://xml.juniper.net/junos/commit-scripts/1.0";
030 ns ext = "http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/namespace";
032 import "../import/junos.xsl";
034 /* Command line arguments */
035 var $arguments = {
036 <argument> {
037 <name> "walk-mib";
038 <description> "Walk all instance values in the Utility MIB. Either 'ascii' or 'oid' format should be selected.";
039 }
040 <argument> {
041 <name> "get-instance";
042 <description> "Display instance in Utility MIB. An object-type is required.";
043 }
044 <argument> {
045 <name> "clear-instance";
046 <description> "Remove instance from Utility MIB. An object-type is required.";
047 }
048 <argument> {
049 <name> "clear-instance-regex";
050 <description> "Clear multiple instances from Utility MIB, regardless of object-type, using a regex.";
051 }
052 <argument> {
053 <name> "set-instance";
054 <description> "Add/edit instance in Utility MIB. An object-type and object-value are required.";
055 }
056 <argument> {
057 <name> "object-type";
058 <description> "The object data type: string, integer, unsigned-integer, counter, counter64.";
059 }
060 <argument> {
061 <name> "object-value";
062 <description> "The object data value.";
063 }
064 }
065 param $walk-mib;
066 param $clear-instance;
067 param $get-instance;
068 param $set-instance;
069 param $clear-instance-regex;
070 param $object-type;
071 param $object-value;
074 /*
075 * Main match / template. Determine what action should be taken and call the appropriate
076 * template to perform it.
077 */
078 match / {
079 <op-script-results> {
081 /* Count actions, exit if more than one is attempted */
082 var $action-count = { call count-actions(); }
083 if( $action-count == 0 ) {
084 expr jcs:output("Nothing to do...");
085 }
086 else if( $action-count > 1 ) {
087 expr jcs:output("Only one action at a time please...");
088 }
089 else if( string-length( $walk-mib ) > 0 ) {
090 call walk-mib();
091 }
092 else if( string-length( $clear-instance-regex ) > 0 ) {
093 call clear-instance-regex();
094 }
095 /* Complain about a missing type - the rest need one */
096 else if( string-length( $object-type ) == 0 ) {
097 expr jcs:output("An object-type must be specified for that action.");
098 }
099 else if( string-length( $clear-instance ) > 0 ) {
100 call clear-instance();
101 }
102 else if( string-length( $get-instance ) > 0 ) {
103 call get-instance();
104 }
105 /* Complain about a missing value - the rest need one */
106 else if( string-length( $object-value ) == 0 ) {
107 expr jcs:output("An object-value must be specified for that action.");
108 }
109 else if( string-length( $set-instance ) > 0 ) {
110 call set-instance();
111 }
112 }
113 }
116 /*
117 * count-actions - Determine how many command-line actions were requested and return
118 * the count in the result tree.
119 */
120 template count-actions() {
121 var $count-rtf = {
122 if( string-length( $walk-mib ) > 0 ) {
123 <count>;
124 }
125 if( string-length( $clear-instance ) > 0 ) {
126 <count>;
127 }
128 if( string-length( $get-instance ) > 0 ) {
129 <count>;
130 }
131 if( string-length( $set-instance ) > 0 ) {
132 <count>;
133 }
134 if( string-length( $clear-instance-regex ) > 0 ) {
135 <count>;
136 }
137 }
139 /* Convert the old-school way */
140 var $count-set = ext:node-set( $count-rtf );
142 /* Write the count */
143 expr count( $count-set/count );
144 }
147 /*
148 * walk-mib - Walks the Utility MIB in ascii or oid mode
149 */
150 template walk-mib() {
152 /* Gather walk output */
153 var $walk-rpc = {
154 <walk-snmp-object> {
155 <snmp-object-name> "jnxUtil";
156 }
157 }
158 var $mib-objects = jcs:invoke( $walk-rpc );
160 for-each( $mib-objects/snmp-object[ jcs:regex( "jnxUtil.*Value\\.", name ) ] ) {
161 var $name = {
162 if( $walk-mib == "oid" ) {
163 expr name;
164 }
165 else {
166 call translate-to-instance-format( $oid-name = name );
167 }
168 }
169 expr jcs:output( $name, " = ", object-value );
170 }
171 }
174 /*
175 * get-instance - Writes the instance value to the console
176 */
177 template get-instance() {
179 var $instance = $get-instance;
180 var $type = $object-type;
182 /* Retrieve the OID and type name */
183 var $oid-name = { call build-oid-name( $instance, $type ); }
184 var $type-name = { call get-type-name( $type ); }
186 /* Build RPC and invoke it */
187 var $rpc = {
188 <get-snmp-object> {
189 <snmp-object-name> $oid-name;
190 }
191 }
192 var $object = jcs:invoke( $rpc );
194 /* If there is an error then report it */
195 if( $object/..//xnm:error ) {
196 for-each( $object/..//xnm:error ) {
197 expr jcs:output( "ERROR: ", . );
198 }
199 }
200 /* Display value */
201 else {
202 expr jcs:output( $type-name, ".", $instance, " = ", $object/snmp-object/object-value );
203 }
204 }
207 /*
208 * clear-instance - Removes the instance from the MIB
209 */
210 template clear-instance() {
212 var $instance = $clear-instance;
213 var $type = $object-type;
215 /* Build RPC and invoke it */
216 var $rpc = {
217 <request-snmp-utility-mib-clear> {
218 <instance> $instance;
219 <object-type> $type;
220 }
221 }
222 var $results = jcs:invoke( $rpc );
223 /* Copy results to result tree to display to user */
224 copy-of $results;
225 }
228 /*
229 * clear-instance-regex - Removes multiple instances from the MIB based on the regex
230 */
231 template clear-instance-regex() {
233 var $instance-regex = $clear-instance-regex;
235 /* First walk the MIB and gather all instances */
236 var $walk-rpc = {
237 <walk-snmp-object> {
238 <snmp-object-name> "jnxUtil";
239 }
240 }
241 var $mib-objects = jcs:invoke( $walk-rpc );
243 /* Gather all instances that match the regex, regardless of the object-type */
244 var $objects-rtf = {
245 for-each( $mib-objects/snmp-object[ jcs:regex( "jnxUtil.*Value\\.", name ) ] ) {
246 var $name = { call translate-to-instance-format( $oid-name = name ); }
248 /* Check if the instance matches the regex */
249 var $result = jcs:regex( $instance-regex, substring-after( $name, "." ) );
250 if( not( jcs:empty( $result ) ) ) {
251 <object> $name;
252 }
253 }
254 }
255 /* old-school conversion */
256 var $objects-set = ext:node-set( $objects-rtf );
258 /* Report how many will be cleared */
259 if( count( $objects-set/object ) > 0 ) {
260 expr jcs:output( "[" , count( $objects-set/object ), " instances will be cleared]" );
261 }
262 else {
263 expr jcs:output("No instances match that regular expression." );
264 }
266 /* Go through and clear each one */
267 for-each( $objects-set/object ) {
268 /* Display the name */
269 <output> "Clearing " _ . _ ":";
271 var $type = { call get-object-type( $mib-type-name = substring-before( ., "." ) ); }
272 var $instance = substring-after( ., "." );
273 /* Only remove if it has a valid type */
274 if( string-length( $type ) > 0 ) {
275 /* Build RPC and invoke it */
276 var $rpc-clear = {
277 <request-snmp-utility-mib-clear> {
278 <instance> $instance;
279 <object-type> $type;
280 }
281 }
282 var $results = jcs:invoke( $rpc-clear );
283 /* Copy results to result tree to display to user */
284 copy-of $results;
285 }
286 }
287 }
290 /*
291 * set-instance - Sets the instance in the MIB
292 */
293 template set-instance() {
295 var $instance = $set-instance;
296 var $type = $object-type;
298 /* Build RPC and invoke it */
299 var $rpc = {
300 <request-snmp-utility-mib-set> {
301 <instance> $instance;
302 <object-type> $type;
303 <object-value> $object-value;
304 }
305 }
306 var $results = jcs:invoke( $rpc );
307 /* Copy results to result tree to display to user */
308 copy-of $results;
309 }
312 /*
313 * get-type-name - Converts $type into MIB string type name
314 *
315 * $type - Data type = string, counter, count64, integer, or unsigned-integer
316 *
317 * Returns the MIB string type name in the result tree
318 */
319 template get-type-name( $type ) {
320 if( $type == "string" ) {
321 expr "jnxUtilStringValue";
322 }
323 else if( $type == "counter" ) {
324 expr "jnxUtilCounter32Value";
325 }
326 else if( $type == "integer" ) {
327 expr "jnxUtilIntegerValue";
328 }
329 else if( $type == "counter64" ) {
330 expr "jnxUtilCounter64Value";
331 }
332 else if( $type == "counter" ) {
333 expr "jnxUtilUintValue";
334 }
335 else {
336 expr jcs:output("ERROR: Invalid data type: ", $type );
337 }
338 }
341 /*
342 * get-object-type - Converts MIB string type name into object-type
343 *
344 * $mib-type-name - jnxUtilStringValue, jnxUtilCounter32Value, jnxUtilIntegerValue,
345 * jnxUtilUintValue, or unxUtilCounter64Value
346 *
347 * Returns the object-type in the result tree
348 */
349 template get-object-type( $mib-type-name ) {
350 if( $mib-type-name == "jnxUtilStringValue" ) {
351 expr "string";
352 }
353 else if( $mib-type-name == "jnxUtilCounter32Value" ) {
354 expr "counter";
355 }
356 else if( $mib-type-name == "jnxUtilIntegerValue" ) {
357 expr "integer";
358 }
359 else if( $mib-type-name == "jnxUtilCounter64Value" ) {
360 expr "counter64";
361 }
362 else if( $mib-type-name == "jnxUtilUintValue" ) {
363 expr "counter";
364 }
365 else {
366 expr jcs:output("ERROR: Invalid type name: ", $mib-type-name );
367 }
368 }
371 /*
372 * translate-to-instance-format - Translates an OID name into a corresponding
373 * instance name
374 *
375 * $oid-name - The oid name returned by <walk-snmp-object>.
376 *
377 * Returns the instance formatted name in the result tree
378 */
379 template translate-to-instance-format( $oid-name ) {
381 /* Get the type portion of name */
382 var $type-name = substring-before( $oid-name, "." );
384 /* The oid portion */
385 var $oid = substring-after( $oid-name, "." );
387 /* Break up the parts into different numbers */
388 var $number-set = jcs:split("\\.", $oid );
390 /* Convert everything to characters */
391 var $instance-name = {
392 for-each( $number-set ) {
393 var $number = .;
394 /* Use substring to workaround PR 436699 */
395 expr substring( $ascii-set/char[num == $number]/sym, 1, 1 );
396 }
397 }
399 /* Combine the two parts and write to result tree */
400 expr $type-name _ "." _ $instance-name;
401 }
404 /*
405 * build-oid-name - Translates the $instance and $type into a valid OID name for
406 * use with <get-snmp-object>.
407 *
408 * $instance - The Utility MIB instance name
409 * $type - string, counter, counter64, integer, or unsigned-integer
410 *
411 * Writes the full OID name to the result tree.
412 */
413 template build-oid-name( $instance, $type ) {
415 /* Build the type portion of the name */
416 var $string-portion = { call get-type-name( $type ); }
418 /* Split the name into characters */
419 var $characters-rtf = { call split-chars( $string = $instance ); }
420 /* Convert old-school style */
421 var $characters-set = ext:node-set( $characters-rtf );
423 var $number-portion = {
424 for-each( $characters-set/char ) {
426 /* Convert the characters to their ASCII code equivalent */
427 var $char = .;
428 /* Use substring to workaround PR 436699 */
429 var $ascii-char = $ascii-set/char[ substring( sym, 1, 1 ) == $char ];
430 expr "." _ $ascii-char/num;
431 }
432 }
434 /* Return the full string */
435 expr $string-portion _ $number-portion;
436 }
439 /*
440 * split-chars - Recursive template that converts a string into a XML structure
441 * of <char> elements. With one <char> per letter.
442 *
443 * $string - The string to convert
444 *
445 * Writes multiple <char> elements to the result tree.
446 */
447 template split-chars( $string ) {
448 if( string-length( $string) > 0 ) {
449 <char> substring( $string, 1, 1 );
451 /* Go recursive if necessary */
452 if( string-length( $string ) > 1 ) {
453 call split-chars( $string = substring( $string, 2 ) );
454 }
455 }
456 }
459 var $ascii-rtf = {
460 <char> { <num> 32; <sym xml:space="preserve"> " "; }<char> { <num> 33; <sym> "!"; }<char> { <num> 34; <sym> "\""; }<char> { <num> 35; <sym> "#"; }<char> { <num> 36; <sym> "$"; }
461 <char> { <num> 37; <sym> "%"; }<char> { <num> 38; <sym> "&"; }<char> { <num> 39; <sym> "'"; }<char> { <num> 40; <sym> "("; }<char> { <num> 41; <sym> ")"; }
462 <char> { <num> 42; <sym> "*"; }<char> { <num> 43; <sym> "+"; }<char> { <num> 44; <sym> ","; }<char> { <num> 45; <sym> "-"; }<char> { <num> 46; <sym> "."; }
463 <char> { <num> 47; <sym> "/"; }<char> { <num> 48; <sym> "0"; }<char> { <num> 49; <sym> "1"; }<char> { <num> 50; <sym> "2"; }<char> { <num> 51; <sym> "3"; }
464 <char> { <num> 52; <sym> "4"; }<char> { <num> 53; <sym> "5"; }<char> { <num> 54; <sym> "6"; }<char> { <num> 55; <sym> "7"; }<char> { <num> 56; <sym> "8"; }
465 <char> { <num> 57; <sym> "9"; }<char> { <num> 58; <sym> ":"; }<char> { <num> 59; <sym> ";"; }<char> { <num> 60; <sym> "<"; }<char> { <num> 61; <sym> "="; } /* >" */
466 <char> { <num> 62; <sym> ">"; }<char> { <num> 63; <sym> "?"; }<char> { <num> 64; <sym> "@"; }<char> { <num> 65; <sym> "A"; }<char> { <num> 66; <sym> "B"; }
467 <char> { <num> 67; <sym> "C"; }<char> { <num> 68; <sym> "D"; }<char> { <num> 69; <sym> "E"; }<char> { <num> 70; <sym> "F"; }<char> { <num> 71; <sym> "G"; }
468 <char> { <num> 72; <sym> "H"; }<char> { <num> 73; <sym> "I"; }<char> { <num> 74; <sym> "J"; }<char> { <num> 75; <sym> "K"; }<char> { <num> 76; <sym> "L"; }
469 <char> { <num> 77; <sym> "M"; }<char> { <num> 78; <sym> "N"; }<char> { <num> 79; <sym> "O"; }<char> { <num> 80; <sym> "P"; }<char> { <num> 81; <sym> "Q"; }
470 <char> { <num> 82; <sym> "R"; }<char> { <num> 83; <sym> "S"; }<char> { <num> 84; <sym> "T"; }<char> { <num> 85; <sym> "U"; }<char> { <num> 86; <sym> "V"; }
471 <char> { <num> 87; <sym> "W"; }<char> { <num> 88; <sym> "X"; }<char> { <num> 89; <sym> "Y"; }<char> { <num> 90; <sym> "Z"; }<char> { <num> 91; <sym> "["; }
472 <char> { <num> 92; <sym> "\\"; }<char> { <num> 93; <sym> "]"; }<char> { <num> 94; <sym> "^"; }<char> { <num> 95; <sym> "_"; }<char> { <num> 96; <sym> "`"; }
473 <char> { <num> 97; <sym> "a"; }<char> { <num> 98; <sym> "b"; }<char> { <num> 99; <sym> "c"; }<char> { <num> 100; <sym> "d"; }<char> { <num> 101; <sym> "e"; }
474 <char> { <num> 102; <sym> "f"; }<char> { <num> 103; <sym> "g"; }<char> { <num> 104; <sym> "h"; }<char> { <num> 105; <sym> "i"; }<char> { <num> 106; <sym> "j"; }
475 <char> { <num> 107; <sym> "k"; }<char> { <num> 108; <sym> "l"; }<char> { <num> 109; <sym> "m"; }<char> { <num> 110; <sym> "n"; }<char> { <num> 111; <sym> "o"; }
476 <char> { <num> 112; <sym> "p"; }<char> { <num> 113; <sym> "q"; }<char> { <num> 114; <sym> "r"; }<char> { <num> 115; <sym> "s"; }<char> { <num> 116; <sym> "t"; }
477 <char> { <num> 117; <sym> "u"; }<char> { <num> 118; <sym> "v"; }<char> { <num> 119; <sym> "w"; }<char> { <num> 120; <sym> "x"; }<char> { <num> 121; <sym> "y"; }
478 <char> { <num> 122; <sym> "z"; }<char> { <num> 123; <sym> "{"; }<char> { <num> 124; <sym> "|"; }<char> { <num> 125; <sym> "}"; }<char> { <num> 126; <sym> "~"; }
479 }
480 /* old-school conversion */
481 var $ascii-set = ext:node-set( $ascii-rtf );
XML Script Contents
01 <?xml version="1.0"?>
02 <script>
03 <title>utility-mib-helper.slax</title>
04 <author>curtisstephencall</author>
05 <synopsis>
06 Simplifies working with the SNMP Utility MIB
07 </synopsis>
08 <coe>op</coe>
09 <type>snmp</type>
11 <description>
12 utility-mib-helper performs a handful of small but very useful tasks related to the Utility MIB.
14 Possible Actions:
16 walk-mib - This performs a MIB walk of all the Utility MIB values. Each object can be displayed
17 in either oid or ascii format.
19 get-instance - Retrieves an instance from the Utility MIB. The object-type must be specified.
21 set-instance - Sets an instance into the Utility MIB. The object-type must be specified.
23 clear-instance - Removes an instance from the Utility MIB. The object-type must be specified.
25 clear-instance-regex - Removes multiple instances from the Utility MIB, based on a regular
26 expression. The object-types are ignored.
29 Minimum JUNOS Version: 8.4
30 Latest Script Version: 1.0
31 MD5 Checksum: 1ed1d48364f3cc62aa5feb87b9eb7e4a
32 SHA-256 Checksum: 51df53bcaea3ef2891122b185271c711c26e4ce6cc34570a65bce49c631bd2aa
34 </description>
36 <keyword>slax</keyword>
37 <keyword>snmp</keyword>
38 <keyword>utility-mib</keyword>
39 <keyword>regex</keyword>
40 <example>
41 <title>Usage Example</title>
42 <output>example-1.output</output>
43 </example>
45 <xhtml:script xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
46 src="../../../../../web/leaf.js"
47 type="text/javascript"/>
48 </script>