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Scripting How-To: Return a list of matching policies

By Erdem posted 11-19-2015 11:34

This applies to SLAX version 1.0 and higher.



Given a sample packet (i.e. source-address, dst-address, ports, etc) it returns the list of matching policies.




This script performs a lookup in the policy table and returns the matching policies based on the search criteria.


Source Code


GitHub Links


The source code below is also available from GitHub at the following locations:



Example Output


This script performs a lookup in the policy table and returns the matching policies based on the search criteria. It accepts the following parameters

user@cli> run op policy-test ?
Possible completions:

  destination-address  Destination IP address of the initial session creation packet
  destination-port     Destination port of the packet
  from-zone            Ingress zone of the packet
  source-address       Source IP address of the initial session creation packet
  source-port          Source port of the packet
  to-zone              Egress zone of the packet

If a parameter is not specified it will match all. If no parameter is provided, every policy will be returned.

If a source/dest address is provided, but the security zone is not specified, the zone for that source/dest IP will be determined from the zone of the ingress/egress interface (doing a route lookup). Of course, if a zone is explicitely specified, it will be used instead of the one determined by the route lookup.

user@cli# run op policy-test source-address destination-address
From-Zone    To-Zone      Name            Src-Addr        Dst-Addr        Application  Action
trust        untrust      ftp-permit      any             any             junos-ftp    permit
trust        untrust      http-https-rej  any             any             junos-https  reject

user@cli# run op policy-test source-address destination-address destination-port 443
From-Zone    To-Zone      Name            Src-Addr        Dst-Addr        Application  Action
trust        untrust      http-https-rej  any             any             junos-https  reject


SLAX Script Contents


/* Machine Crafted with Care (tm) by slaxWriter */
version 1.0;

ns junos = "*/junos";
ns xnm = "";
ns jcs = "";

This is a simple script that looks up all the entries in the policy table that match a particular query
It is useful to debug polcy configurations
import "../import/junos.xsl";
var $arguments = {
    <argument> {
        <name> "source-address";
        <description> "Source IP address of the initial session creation packet";
    <argument> {
        <name> "destination-address";
        <description> "Destination IP address of the initial session creation packet";
    <argument> {
        <name> "source-port";
        <description> "Source port of the packet";
    <argument> {
        <name> "destination-port";
        <description> "Destination port of the packet";
    <argument> {
        <name> "from-zone";
        <description> "Ingress zone of the packet";
    <argument> {
        <name> "to-zone";
        <description> "Egress zone of the packet";
/* Open a persistent connection */
var $connection = jcs:open();
param $source-address = {
    expr "";
param $destination-address = {
    expr "";
param $source-port = {
    expr "0";
param $destination-port = {
    expr "0";
param $protocol = {
    expr "0";
param $from-zone = {
    call find-zone($ip = $source-address);
param $to-zone = {
    call find-zone($ip = $destination-address);
/* print-policy: Displays the policy info */
template print-policy ($name, $from-zone, $to-zone, $source-address, $destination-address, $application, $action, $comment, $row = number("1"), $header = false()) {
    var $format-string = "%-12.11s %-12.11s %-15.14j1s %-15.14s %-15.14s %-12.11s %-10.9s %s \n";
    if ($header) {
        expr jcs:printf($format-string, "From-Zone", "To-Zone", "Name", "Src-Addr", "Dst-Addr", "Application", "Action", "");
    } else {
        var $num-rows = {
            if (count($application) >= count($source-address) && count($application) >= count($destination-address)) {
                expr count($application);
            } else if (count($source-address) > count($application) && count($source-address) > count($destination-address)) {
                expr count($source-address);
            } else {
                expr count($destination-address);
        if ($row <= $num-rows) {
            expr jcs:printf($format-string, $from-zone, $to-zone, $name, $source-address[$row] , $destination-address[$row] , $application[$row] , $action, $comment);
            call print-policy($row = $row + 1, $num-rows, $source-address, $destination-address, $application);

/* find-zone: Returns the zone where a given IP is */
template find-zone ($ip) {
    if ($ip == "") {
        expr "any";
    } else {
        var $get-route-rpc = <command> {
            expr "show route ";
            expr $ip;
            expr " active-path best";
        var $get-rotue = jcs:execute($connection, $get-route-rpc);
        var $zone = {
            if ($get-rotue//via) {
                var $get-int-rpc = <command> {
                    expr "show interface ";
                    expr $get-rotue//via;
                var $get-int = jcs:execute($connection, $get-int-rpc);
                expr $get-int//logical-interface-zone-name;
            } else {
                expr "any";
        expr $zone;

/* rshift: Shifts bits to the right. Used to do an IP/MASK comparision */
template rshift ($number, $count) {
    /* <output>
    <xsl:value-of select="jcs:printf('Shifting %i %i times\n',$number, $count)"/>		
    </output> */
    if ($count <= 0) {
        expr $number;
    } else {
        call rshift($number = floor($number div 2), $count = ($count) - 1);

/* match-ip: Returns true if the ip is in the prefix */
template match-ip ($prefix, $ip) {
    var $bytes-network = jcs:regex("([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)", $prefix);
    var $subnet = {
        call rshift($number = $bytes-network[2] * 16777216 + $bytes-network[3] * 65536 + $bytes-network[4] * 256 + $bytes-network[5], $count = 32 -($bytes-network[6]));
    var $bytes-ip = jcs:regex("([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+)", $ip);
    var $ipnet = {
        call rshift($number = $bytes-ip[2] * 16777216 + $bytes-ip[3] * 65536 + $bytes-ip[4] * 256 + $bytes-ip[5], $count = 32 - $bytes-network[6]);
    if ($ipnet == $subnet) {
        expr true();
    } else {
        expr false();

/* match-prefix-list: Returns true if the ip is in the prefix list */
template match-prefix-list ($ip, $prefix-list) {
    if (not($prefix-list)) {
        expr false();
    } else {
        var $match-prefix = {
            call match-ip($ip, $prefix = $prefix-list);
        if ($match-prefix == "true") {
            expr true();
        } else {
            call match-prefix-list($ip, $prefix-list = $prefix-list[position() > 1]);

match / {
    <op-script-results> {
        /* First, check parameters passed */
        if (not(jcs:parse-ip($source-address))) {
            <output> jcs:printf("Bad IP address format: %s
", $source-address);
        } else if (not(jcs:parse-ip($destination-address))) {
            <output> jcs:printf("Bad IP address format: %s
", $destination-address);
        } else if (not($source-port >= 0 && $source-port <= 65535)) {
            <output> jcs:printf("Bad IP port number: %s
", $source-port);
        } else if (not($destination-port >= 0 && $destination-port <= 65535)) {
            <output> jcs:printf("Bad IP port number: %s
", $destination-port);
        } else {
            <output> {
                call print-policy($header = true());
            var $filters = {
                if ($from-zone != "any") {
                    expr " from-zone ";
                    expr $from-zone;
                if ($to-zone != "any") {
                    expr " to-zone ";
                    expr $to-zone;
            var $get-policies-rpc = <command> {
                expr " show security policies ";
                expr $filters;
                expr " detail ";
            /* Get the list of possible policies */
            var $policies = jcs:execute($connection, $get-policies-rpc);
            /* Loop throught the policies to find the matching ones */
            for-each ($policies//policy-information) {
                var $match-source = {
                    call match-prefix-list($ip = $source-address, $prefix-list = .//source-address//address-prefix);
                var $match-destination = {
                    call match-prefix-list($ip = $destination-address, $prefix-list = .//destination-address//address-prefix);
                var $match-destination-port = {
                    if ($destination-port == "0") {
                        expr true();
                    } else if (./applications/application/application-term/destination-port-range[low == "0" && high == "0"]) {
                        expr true();
                    } else if (./applications/application/application-term/destination-port-range[low <= $destination-port && high >= $destination-port]) {
                        expr true();
                    } else {
                        expr false();
                var $match-source-port = {
                    if ($source-port == "0") {
                        expr true();
                    } else if (./applications/application/application-term/source-port-range[low == "0" && high == "0"]) {
                        expr true();
                    } else if (./applications/application/application-term/source-port-range[low <= $source-port && high >= $source-port]) {
                        expr true();
                    } else {
                        expr false();
                /* <output>
                <xsl:value-of select="jcs:printf('Policy name: %s\n',./policy-name)"/>
                <xsl:value-of select="jcs:printf('  match source: %s\n', $match-source)"/>
                <xsl:value-of select="jcs:printf('  match destination: %s\n', $match-destination)"/>
                <xsl:value-of select="jcs:printf('  match source port: %s\n', $match-source-port)"/>
                <xsl:value-of select="jcs:printf('  match destination port: %s\n', $match-destination-port)"/>
                </output> */
                if ($match-source == "true" && $match-destination == "true" && $match-source-port == "true" && $match-destination-port == "true") {
                    <output> {
                        call print-policy($from-zone = ../../context-information/source-zone-name, $to-zone = ../../context-information/destination-zone-name, $name = ./policy-name, $destination-address = ./destination-addresses/destination-address/address-name, $source-address = ./source-addresses/source-address/address-name, $application = ./applications/application/application-name, $action = ./policy-action/action-type);


XML Script Contents


<?xml version="1.0"?>
Given a sample packet (i.e. source-address, dst-address, ports, etc) it returns the list of matching policies

This script performs a lookup in the policy table and returns the matching policies based on the search criteria. 



<xhtml:script xmlns:xhtml=""

