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Scripting How-To: Find import policies with only a bare "then accept" term

By Erdem posted 08-10-2015 10:12


Find Import Policies with Only a Bare 'then accept' Term


For SLAX version 1.0 and higher, you can report on named import policies that only contain a bare 'then accept' term. This helps protect against importing the full routing table into these IGPs.

The following example inspects the import statements configured under [protocols ospf] and [protocols isis] to see if any of the named policies contain a bare "then accept" term, and protects against importing the full routing table into these IGPs.
The testing criteria in this example are likely not sufficient, but you can can easily tune or improve the testing criteria.


Source Code and GitHub Links

The source code below is also available from the following GitHub locations:


Example Configuration


01	system {
02	    scripts {
03	    commit {
04	        file import-policies.xsl;
05	    }
06	    }
07	}
08	protocols {
09	    ospf {
10	        import bad-news;
11	    }
12	}
13	policy-options {
14	    policy-statement bad-news {
15	        then accept;
16	    }
17	}


Example Output


1	[edit protocols ospf import]
2	  'import bad-news;'
3	    policy contains bare 'then accept'
4	error: 1 error reported by commit scripts
5	error: commit script failure


SLAX Script Contents


01	/* Machine Crafted with Care (tm) by slaxWriter */
02	version 1.0;
05	/*
06	- $Id: import-policies.slax,v 1.1 2007/10/17 18:37:04 phil Exp $
07	-
08	- Copyright (c) 2004-2005, Juniper Networks, Inc.
09	- All rights reserved.
10	-
11	 */
12	ns junos = "*/junos";
13	ns xnm = "";
14	ns jcs = "";
16	import "../import/junos.xsl";
17	param $po = commit-script-input/configuration/policy-options;
19	/*
20	- This example inspects the import statements configured under
21	- [protocols ospf] and [protocols isis] to see if any of the
22	- named policies contain a bare "then accept" term.  This is
23	- meant to protect against importing the full routing table
24	- into these IGPs.  The testing criteria in this example are
25	- likely not sufficient, but can easily be tuned or improved.
26	 */
27	match configuration {
28	    apply-templates protocols/ospf/import;
29	    apply-templates protocols/isis/import;
30	}
32	match import {
33	    param $test = .;
35	    for-each ($po/policy-statement[name == $test]) {
36	        if (then/accept && not(to) && not(from)) {
37	            <xnm:error> {
38	                call jcs:edit-path($dot = $test);
39	                call jcs:statement($dot = $test);
40	                <message> "policy contains bare 'then accept'";
41	            }
42	        }
43	    }
44	}


XML Script Contents


01	<?xml version="1.0"?>
02	<script version="0.1">
03	  <title>import-policies.slax</title>
04	  <alternate>import-policies.xsl</alternate>
05	  <author>phil</author>
06	  <synopsis>
07	    Require that import policies do  contain bare 'then accept' terms
08	  </synopsis>
09	  <keyword>ospf</keyword>
10	  <keyword>isis</keyword>
11	  <keyword>then accept</keyword>
12	  <description>
13	    We want to check if any of the named policies contain a bare
14	    'then accept' term. This helps protect against importing the full routing
15	    table into these IGPs.
16	  </description>
17	  <implementation>
18	    This example inspects the import statements configured under
19	    [protocols ospf] and [protocols isis] to see if any of the
20	    named policies contain a bare "then accept" term.  This is
21	    meant to protect against importing the full routing table
22	    into these IGPs.  The testing criteria in this example are
23	    likely not sufficient, but can easily be tuned or improved.
24	  </implementation>
25	  <example>
26	    <config>import-policies.conf</config>
27	    <title>A simple configuration</title>
28	    <errors>import-policies.output</errors>
29	  </example>
30	  <xhtml:script xmlns:xhtml=""
31	                src="../../../../../web/leaf.js" type="text/javascript"/>
32	</script>


