Correlate a Host IP Address to a Switch Port Interface
For SLAX version 1.0 and higher, you can use an operation command shortcut to see what IP address is bound to which interface. The shortcut combines the output of 'show ethernet-switching table', 'show arp' and 'show vlans'.
Source Code and GitHub Links
The source code below is also available from the following GitHub locations:
01 admin@geri> show arp no-resolve
02 MAC Address Address Interface Flags
03 00:1c:c0:61:56:e1 vlan.0 none
04 06:0c:c3:50:3f:5e vlan.0 none
06 admin@geri> show ethernet-switching table
07 Ethernet-switching table: 5 entries, 3 learned
08 VLAN MAC address Type Age Interfaces
09 default * Flood - All-members
10 default 00:0c:c3:50:3f:5e Learn 0 ge-0/0/1.0
11 default 00:1c:c0:61:56:e1 Learn 0 ge-0/0/0.0
12 default 00:26:88:06:85:c8 Static - Router
13 default 06:0c:c3:50:3f:5e Learn 0 ge-0/0/1.0
15 From these you can see that (06:0c:c3:50:3f:5e) is in ge-0/0/1.0 and (00:1c:c0:61:56:e1) is in ge-0/0/0.0
17 This find-ip op-script will enable you to quickly show the above mapping.
SLAX Script Contents
001 /*
002 *
003 * NAME: find-ip.slax
004 * PURPOSE: Created for SouthCentral Team to combine the output of
005 * the "show ethernet-switching table" command, the "show
006 * arp" command, and the "show vlans" command.
007 *
008 * CREATED: 03/22/09
009 * BY: Jay Wilson (Solutions Architect - Western Area)
010 * LAST MOD: 03/23/09
011 * BY: Jay Wilson
012 * VERSION: 3.00
013 *
015 * V1.00 = Initial release
016 * V2.00 = Added template WRITE-IT
017 * Added the "z" option used for tracing
018 * script flow.
019 * V2.50 = Added vlan information to the output
020 * Added age information to the output
021 * V3.00 = Created the template mash-vid that
022 * is used to put the VID (vlan-id) on
023 * the output.
024 *
025 */
026 version 1.0;
027 ns junos = "*/junos";
028 ns xnm = "";
029 ns jcs = "";
030 import "../import/junos.xsl";
031 var $arguments = {
032 <argument> {
033 <name> "ip";
034 <description> "IP address you are searching for";
035 }
036 <argument> {
037 <name> "z";
038 }
039 }
040 param $ip;
041 param $z;
044 match / {
045 <op-script-results> {
046 /*
047 *
048 * RPC that returns the "show ethernet-switching table" output
049 *
050 */
051 var $rpc = <get-ethernet-switching-table-information> {
052 }
053 var $switch-output = jcs:invoke($rpc);
054 /*
055 *
056 * RPC that returns the "show arp" output
057 *
058 */
059 var $rpc2 = <get-arp-table-information> {
060 }
061 var $arp-output = jcs:invoke($rpc2);
062 /*
063 *
064 * RPC that returns the "show vlans" output
065 *
066 */
067 var $rpc3 = <get-vlan-information> {
068 }
069 var $vlans-output = jcs:invoke($rpc3);
070 /*
071 *
072 * Print out the Header line
073 *
074 */
076 <output> jcs:printf("%-16s %-18s %-12s %5s %4s %-s\n","IP","MAC","Interface","Age","VID","VLAN");
078 /*
079 *
080 * Process the arp table information. If an specific,
081 * IP was requested, only grab that ip.
082 *
083 */
084 if ($ip) {
085 call write-it ($message = "ip specified");
086 for-each ($arp-output/arp-table-entry) {
087 if ($ip == ./ip-address) {
088 call write-it ($message = "ip found");
089 call mash-up ($arp-ip = ./ip-address, $arp-mac = ./mac-address, $yes-ip = $ip, $switch-output = $switch-output, $vlans-output = $vlans-output);
090 }
091 }
092 }
093 else {
094 call write-it ($message = "no ip specified");
095 for-each ($arp-output/arp-table-entry) {
096 call mash-up ($arp-ip = ./ip-address, $arp-mac = ./mac-address, $yes-ip = $ip, $switch-output = $switch-output, $vlans-output = $vlans-output);
097 }
098 }
099 }
100 }
101 /*
103 * PURPOSE: To combine the ethernet-switching-table-information output
104 * with the arp-table-information output.
105 * CALLED: Called for all interfaces that are returned by the RPC
106 * to ethernet-switching-table-information and that match any
107 * additional criteria, such IP
108 *
110 * $arp-ip = the IP address on the current arp table record
111 * $arp-mac = the MAC address retrieved from the arp table
112 * $yes-ip = the IP address the user is looking for
113 * $switch-output = the structure that goes with the interface
114 * that was returned with the RPC
115 * ethernet-switching-table-information.
116 * $vlans-output = the structure for all vlan information.
117 * this will be used to get the VID (vlan-id).
118 *
119 */
120 template mash-up($arp-ip, $arp-mac, $yes-ip, $switch-output, $vlans-output) {
122 for-each($switch-output/ethernet-switching-table/mac-table-entry) {
123 if ($arp-mac == ./mac-address) {
124 call write-it($message = "arp-found");
125 call mash-vid($arp-ip = $arp-ip, $arp-mac = $arp-mac, $mac-interface = mac-interfaces-list/mac-interfaces, $mac-age = mac-age, $mac-vlan = mac-vlan, $vlans-output = $vlans-output);
126 }
127 }
128 }
129 /*
131 * PURPOSE: To combine the vlan information needed (vlan-id) with the
132 * information already retrieved from
133 * ethernet-switching-table-information output and the
134 * arp-table-information output.
135 * CALLED: Called by MASH-UP after a match has been found between
136 * ethernet-switching-table and the arp-table.
137 *
139 * $arp-ip = the IP address on the current arp table record
140 * $arp-mac = the MAC address retrieved from the arp table
141 * $mac-inteface = the inteface the found MAC address is attached to
142 * $mac-age = the age timer for the MAC address
143 * $mac-vlan = the vlan "name" the MAC address is a member of
144 * this is used to get the vlan-id
145 * $vlans-output = the structure for all vlan information.
146 * this will be used to get the VID (vlan-id).
147 *
148 */
149 template mash-vid($arp-ip, $arp-mac, $mac-interface, $mac-age, $mac-vlan, $vlans-output) {
150 for-each($vlans-output/vlan) {
151 if ($mac-vlan == vlan-name) {
152 <output> jcs:printf("%-16s %-18s %-12s %5s %4s %-s\n",$arp-ip,$arp-mac,$mac-interface,$mac-age,vlan-tag,$mac-vlan);
153 }
154 }
155 }
156 /*
158 * PURPOSE: Writes a message to standard output that is passed to it.
159 * CALLED: Can be called at any time from any where; however, the
160 * "z" option must be set to a non-null value when the script
161 * is invoked.
162 *
164 * $message = The string to print out
165 *
166 */
167 template write-it($message) {
168 if ($z) {
169 <xnm:warning> {
170 <message> {
171 expr $message;
172 }
173 }
174 }
175 }
XML Script Contents
01 <?xml version="1.0"?>
02 <script>
03 <title>find-ip.slax</title>
04 <author>jayw</author>
05 <synopsis>
06 See what IP address is bound to which interface
07 </synopsis>
08 <coe>op</coe>
09 <type>display</type>
11 <description>
12 Combine the output of 'show ethernet-switching table' command, the 'show arp' command, and the 'show vlans' command.
14 </description>
16 <example>
17 <title>Output</title>
18 <description>A shortcut command to quickly see what ip address is bound to which interface</description>
19 <output>example-1.conf</output>
20 </example>
22 <xhtml:script xmlns:xhtml=""
23 src="../../../../../web/leaf.js"
24 type="text/javascript"/>
25 </script>