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Scripting How-To: clear-bgp-neighbor script requires confirmation

By Erdem posted 08-12-2015 17:24



Safe version of clear bgp neighbor, requires confirmation before clearing all peers. This applies to SLAX version 1.0 and higher.




This script provides a safe version of the clear bgp neighbor command. That command allows an operator to accidently clear all BGP sessions if  no peer is specified.This script requires "peer all" to be specified in order to clear all BGP peers,and it requires confirmation from the operator that they do indeed wish to clear all their BGP peers.


Minimum JUNOS Version: 9.4.
Latest Script Version: 1.0
MD5 Checksum: 25fce00659624c11c49d99101564be1d
SHA-256 Checksum: bd7ff2f070008a05c6a5ea44ed9ead97bd26db274021c2d61f25db689a0e3f6c


Source Code


GitHub Links


The source code below is also available from GitHub at the following locations:



SLAX Script Contents


001	/*
002	 * Author        : Curtis Call
003	 * Version       : 1.0
004	 * Last Modified : October 7, 2009
005	 * Platform      : all
006	 * Release       : 9.4 and above
007	 * License       : Public Domain
008	 *
009	 * This script provides a safe version of the clear bgp neighbor command.  That command
010	 * allows an operator to accidently clear all BGP sessions when no peer is specified.
011	 * This script requires "peer all" to be specified in order to clear all BGP peers,
012	 * and it requires confirmation from the operator that they do indeed wish to clear
013	 * all their BGP peers.
014	 *
015	 * Minimum JUNOS version is 9.4 due to the new jcs:input() extension function.
016	 */
018	version 1.0;
020	ns junos = "*/junos";
021	ns xnm = "";
022	ns jcs = "";
024	import "../import/junos.xsl";
026	/* Command-line arguments */
027	var $arguments = {
028	    <argument> {
029	        <name> "peer";
030	        <description> "Neighbor Address to drop or ALL for all sessions";
031	    }
032	    <argument> {
033	        <name> "instance";
034	        <description> "Perform action on specific routing-instance";
035	    }
036	    <argument> {
037	        <name> "logical-system";
038	        <description> "Perform action on specific logical-system or ALL";
039	    }
040	    <argument> {
041	        <name> "refresh";
042	        <description> "Specify 'soft', 'soft-inbound', or 'soft-minimum-igp'";
043	    }
044	}
045	param $peer;
046	param $logical-system;
047	param $instance;
048	param $refresh;
050	/* The base BGP command, we'll add to this based on the selected options */
051	var $base-command = "clear bgp neighbor";
053	match / {
054	    <op-script-results> {
056	        /* A peer is required, if not set then error and exit */
057	        if( not( $peer ) ) {
058	            <xsl:message terminate="yes"> "You must specify which peer you want to clear.";
059	        }
061	        /* Convert to upper case to check if they specified all peers */
062	        var $check-all = { call to-upper-case( $string = $peer ); }
064	        /* If peer ALL is used then ask for confirmation */
065	        if( $check-all == "ALL" ) {
067	            /* Request confirmation from user */
068	            var $response = jcs:input("This will clear ALL sessions\nAre you sure you want to do this? (yes/[no])" );
070	            /* Translate user response into upper case for easier matching */
071	            var $check-response = { call to-upper-case( $string = $response ); }
073	            /* If they want to go ahead with it then assemble the command */
074	            if( $check-response == "YES" ) {
076	                /* Retrieve all BGP neighbors */
077	                var $bgp-neighbors = jcs:invoke( "get-bgp-neighbor-information" ); 
079	                var $results := {
080	                    for-each( $bgp-neighbors/bgp-peer ) {
081	                        /* Execute for each neighbor */
082	                        call execute-command( $passed-command = $base-command _ " " _ peer-address );
083	                    }
084	                }
085	                /* Return any errors */
086	                for-each ( $results//xnm:error ) {
087	                    copy-of .;
088	                }
089	                /* Report how many were cleared */
090	                var $count = count( $results/*[. == "Cleared 1 connections"] );
091	                if( $count > 0 ) {
092	                    <output> "Cleared " _ $count _ " connections";
093	                }
094	            }
095	            /* They decided not to clear all the sessions */
096	            else {
097	                <output> "Clear ALL cancelled";
098	            }
099	        }
100	        /* In this case, a specific peer has been specified */
101	        else {
102	            /* Execute with the base-command and a specific peer */
103	            call execute-command( $passed-command = $base-command _ " " _ $peer );
104	        }
105	    }
106	}
108	/*
109	 * This template executes the provided command along with any set global
110	 * parameters and prints the output to the screen.
111	 */
113	template execute-command( $passed-command ) {
115	    var $command-string = {
116	        expr $passed-command;
117	        if( string-length($refresh) > 0 ) {
118	            if( $refresh == "soft" ) {
119	                expr " soft";
120	            }
121	            else if( $refresh == "soft-inbound" ) {
122	                expr " soft-inbound";
123	            }
124	            else if( $refresh == "soft-minimum-igp" ) {
125	                expr " soft-minimum-igp";
126	            }
127	            else { /* Invalid setting, complain and exit now */
128	                <xsl:message terminate="yes"> "Invalid refresh argument: " _ $refresh;
129	            }
130	        }  
131	        if( string-length($instance) > 0 ) {
132	            expr " instance " _ $instance;
133	        }
134	        if( string-length($logical-system) > 0 ) {
135	            expr " logical-system " _ $logical-system;
136	        }  
137	    }
139	    /* There is no rpc for this command until JUNOS 9.6 so we have to do the raw command */
140	    var $command = <rpc> {
141	        <command> $command-string;
142	    }
144	    /* Execute the assembled command and print any output to the screen */
145	    var $result = jcs:invoke( $command );
146	    /*
147	     * Copy any output from the command to the screen.  Either error or
148	     * success will be shown to the user.  Use jcs:output so that the output
149	     * is shown inline with the other commands.
150	     */
151	    copy-of $result;
152	}
154	/*
155	 * Converts the provided string into upper case and returns the upper case
156	 * string to the starting template for variable assignment.
157	 */
158	template to-upper-case( $string = "" ) {
159	    expr translate( $string, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" );
160	}


XML Script Contents


01	<?xml version="1.0"?>
02	<script>
03	  <title>clear-bgp-neighbor.slax</title>
04	  <author>curtisstephencall</author>
05	  <synopsis>
06	    Safe version of clear bgp neighbor, requires confirmation before clearing all peers.
07	  </synopsis>
08	  <coe>op</coe>
09	  <type>protocols</type>
11	  <description>
12	<![CDATA[
13	 This script provides a safe version of the clear bgp neighbor command.  That command
14	 allows an operator to accidently clear all BGP sessions when no peer is specified.
15	 This script requires "peer all" to be specified in order to clear all BGP peers,
16	 and it requires confirmation from the operator that they do indeed wish to clear
17	 all their BGP peers.
19	 Minimum JUNOS Version: 9.4.
20	 Latest Script Version: 1.0
21	 MD5 Checksum: 25fce00659624c11c49d99101564be1d
22	 SHA-256 Checksum: bd7ff2f070008a05c6a5ea44ed9ead97bd26db274021c2d61f25db689a0e3f6c
23	]]>
25	  </description>
27	  <keyword>slax</keyword>
28	  <keyword>bgp</keyword>
29	  <keyword>clear</keyword>
31	  <xhtml:script xmlns:xhtml=""
32	                src="../../../../../web/leaf.js"
33	            type="text/javascript"/>
34	</script>

