Junos Node Slicing Demo Videos
Have you read about Node Slicing on the TechWiki, or in the press here or here? We announced support for this cool feature in with 17.2 and the buzz from our customers has been great. Seeing is believing and since all of you cannot come visit Sunnyvale for a Proof of Concept, we will attempt to bring it you.
But first, let me explain Junos Node Slicing (JNS) in a few sentences for those who do not want to read the links above. With JNS, we create a slice, also called a Guest Network Function or GNF, consisting of a forwarding place and a control plane. The forwarding plane may consist of one or more line cards from the physical router which we call the base system or BSYS. The control plane or JCP is a Junos VM running on an external x86 server. Visual learners click here.
We start off on the Junos Device Manager, or JDM, on the x86 server, which we use to manage the JCPs. We configure a GNF with ID 5 and configure FPC 7 and 8 for that GNF matching the ID of 5 in the configuration in the BSYS.
Typical questions after this demo…
- How many GNFs can I have? You are limited by the number of line cards in your chassis. So if you have ten line cards in your base system, you may have ten GNFs.
- Can I use the RE for my GNFs? This is on the roadmap but not currently supported.
- Which chassis support this functionality? MX960, MX2010, MX2020, and more to come.
- Which operating systems are supported on the x86 server? RHEL and Ubuntu. Please check documentation for latest updates.
Our apologies for not recording a failover between JCPs. Here is a short video showing some information on the server topology and configuration. Redundancy is supported, of course.
Consolidation of network functions whether router on a stick or universal edge are examples of where this feature could make an impact. An interconnect is necessary to avoid additional external cabling between line cards, the purchasing of more line cards, and additional optics. Hence, abstracted fabric interfaces (AF).
Typical questions after this demo…
- How many AFs are supported on a system? Each GNF may have 8 on the MX2010 in the demo. There is expanded support for up to 20 on the MX2020. Please check juniper.net for scaling numbers.
- How much traffic is supported? On an MX2010, I was able to get 400G per PFE or 1.6T with AF.