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Is rate limiting at the queue level supported on Enhanced Queuing DPCs (DPCE-R-Qs)?

By Erdem posted 01-27-2016 12:57



Is rate limiting at the queue level supported on Enhanced Queuing DPCs (DPCE-R-Qs)?


No. In contrast with non-queuing Packet Forwarding Engines, Enhanced Queuing DPCs do not support the CoS function of rate limiting on a per-queue basis. With an Enhanced Queuing DPC, you can rate limit traffic by using firewall filters to apply single-rate two-color policers to the input or output traffic at logical interfaces.


However, rate-limit is supported at the physical interface level on Enhanced Queuing DPCs in Junos OS Release 10.0 and later.


For more information, see MX Series Interface Module Reference

