The following article explains how to install JUISE on MacOS using Homebrew.
A colleague of mine gave me the instructions for MacOS users to install the JUISE program (SLAX/NETCONF) using Homebrew. For information on JUISE, please see https://github.com/juniper/juise andhttps://github.com/Juniper/libslax, respectively.
Props to Joshual L. for the following:
- Install or update XCode.
- Install "Command-Line Tools" in Xcode under the "> Xcode > Preferences > Downloads" tab.
- Install Homebrew.
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)"
4.Run Brew Doctor to ensure the install is complete.
5.Look through the warnings and errors from Brew Doctor and fix any problems (remove files, chown folders, and modify your PATH, if necessary).6.Install libslax.
6.Link libslax if necessary.
7.Force symlink for libslax if necessary.
9.Link JUISE if necessary.
10.Force symlink for JUISE.
11.Run Brew Doctor to ensure everything is still fine.
12.Validate that JUISE is installed.
Jeremy Schulman post to Junos Automation (Scripting) Forum 10-24-2012.