This section shows details of ways to get related information, view, troubleshoot, and validate floating IP addresses in a Contrail system.
Get the UUID of the Virtual Network
Use the following to get the universal unique identifier (UUID) of the virtual network.
[root@nodec6 ~]# (source /etc/contrail/openstackrc; quantum net-list -F id -F name) 2>/dev/null
| id | name |
| 43707766-75f3-4d48-80d9-1b7240fb161d | public_vn |
| 2ab7ea04-8f5f-4b8d-acbf-a7c29c9b4112 | VN1 |
| 1c59ded0-38e8-4168-b91f-4c51aba10d30 | default-virtual-network |
| 5b0a1040-91e4-47ff-bd4c-0a81e1901a1f | ip-fabric |
| 7efddf64-ff3c-44d2-aeb2-45d7472b7a64 | __link_local__ |
View the Floating IP Object in the API Server
Use the following to view the floating IP pool information in the API server. API server requests can be made on http port 8082.
The Contrail API servers have the virtual-network public_vn object that contains floating IP pool information. Use the following to view the floating-ip-pools object information.
curl http://<API-Server_IP≥:8082/virtual-network/<UUID_of_VN>
root@nodec6 ~]# curl http://nodec6:8082/virtual-network/43707766-75f3-4d48-80d9-1b7240fb161d | python -m json.tool
"virtual-network": {
"floating_ip_pools": [
"href": "",
"to": [
"uuid": "663737c1-f3ab-40ff-9442-bdb6c225e3c3"
"fq_name": [
"href": "",
"id_perms": {
"created": "2014-02-07T08:58:40.892803",
"description": null,
"enable": true,
"last_modified": "2014-02-07T10:06:42.234423",
"permissions": {
"group": "admin",
"group_access": 7,
"other_access": 7,
"owner": "admin",
"owner_access": 7
"uuid": {
"uuid_lslong": 9284482284331406877,
"uuid_mslong": 4859515279882014024
"name": "public_vn",
"network_ipam_refs": [
"attr": {
"ipam_subnets": [
"default_gateway": "",
"subnet": {
"ip_prefix": "",
"ip_prefix_len": 29
"href": "",
"to": [
"uuid": "39b0e8da-fcd4-4b35-856c-8d18570b1483"
"parent_href": "",
"parent_type": "project",
"parent_uuid": "deef6549-8e6c-4e3e-9cde-c9bc2b72ce6f",
"route_target_list": {
"route_target": [
"routing_instances": [
"href": "",
"to": [
"uuid": "3c6254ac-cfde-417e-916d-e7a1c0efad92"
"uuid": "43707766-75f3-4d48-80d9-1b7240fb161d",
"virtual_network_properties": {
"extend_to_external_routers": null,
"forwarding_mode": "l2_l3",
"network_id": 4,
"vxlan_network_identifier": null
View floating-ips in floating-ip-pools in the API Server
Once you have located the floating-ip-pools object, use the following to review its floating-ips object.
The floating-ips object should display the floating IP that is shown in the Contrail UI. The floating IP should have a reference to the virtual machine interface (VMI) object that is bound to the floating IP.
[root@nodec6 ~]# curlhttp://nodec6:8082/floating-ip-pool/663737c1-f3ab-40ff-9442-bdb6c225e3c3 | python -m json.tool
"floating-ip-pool": {
"floating_ips": [
"href": "",
"to": [
"uuid": "f3eec4d6-889e-46a3-a8f0-879dfaff6ca0"
"fq_name": [
"href": "",
"id_perms": {
"created": "2014-02-07T08:58:41.136572",
"description": null,
"enable": true,
"last_modified": "2014-02-07T08:58:41.136572",
"permissions": {
"group": "admin",
"group_access": 7,
"other_access": 7,
"owner": "admin",
"owner_access": 7
"uuid": {
"uuid_lslong": 10683309858715198403,
"uuid_mslong": 7365417021744038143
"name": "public_pool",
"parent_href": "",
"parent_type": "virtual-network",
"parent_uuid": "43707766-75f3-4d48-80d9-1b7240fb161d",
"project_back_refs": [
"attr": {},
"href": "",
"to": [
"uuid": "deef6549-8e6c-4e3e-9cde-c9bc2b72ce6f"
"uuid": "663737c1-f3ab-40ff-9442-bdb6c225e3c3"
Check Floating IP Objects in the Virtual Machine Interface
Use the following to retrieve the virtual machine interface of the virtual machine from either the quantum port-list command or from the Contrail UI.
Then get the virtual machine interface identifier and check its floating IP object associations.
Use quantum port-list to get the virtual machine interface
[root@nodec6 ~]# quantum port-list -F id -F fixed_ips
| id | fixed_ips |
| cdca35ce-84ad-45da-9331-7bc67b7fcca6 | {"subnet_id": "e80f480b-98d4-43cc-847c-711e637295db", "ip_address": ""} |
Use Contrail UI to Get the Virtual Machine Interface
Checking Floating IP Objects on the Virtual Machine Interface
Once you have obtained the virtual machine interface identifier, check the floating-ip objects that are associated with the virtual machine interface.
[root@nodec6 ~]# curl | python -m json.tool
"floating-ip": {
"floating_ip_address": "",
"fq_name": [
"href": "",
"id_perms": {
"created": "2014-02-07T10:07:05.869899",
"description": null,
"enable": true,
"last_modified": "2014-02-07T10:36:36.820926",
"permissions": {
"group": "admin",
"group_access": 7,
"other_access": 7,
"owner": "admin",
"owner_access": 7
"uuid": {
"uuid_lslong": 12173378905373109408,
"uuid_mslong": 17577202821367744163
"name": "f3eec4d6-889e-46a3-a8f0-879dfaff6ca0",
"parent_href": "",
"parent_type": "floating-ip-pool",
"parent_uuid": "663737c1-f3ab-40ff-9442-bdb6c225e3c3",
"project_refs": [
"attr": null,
"href": "",
"to": [
"uuid": "deef6549-8e6c-4e3e-9cde-c9bc2b72ce6f"
"uuid": "f3eec4d6-889e-46a3-a8f0-879dfaff6ca0",
"virtual_machine_interface_refs": [
"attr": null,
"href": "",
"to": [
"uuid": "cdca35ce-84ad-45da-9331-7bc67b7fcca6"
View Floating IP Objects in the IFMAP Server View
Use the following to view the output of /usr/bin/ on the config-nodes.
The IFMAP server example output shows the BGP peering configurations and the configurations of the virtual networks VN1 and public_vn.
[root@nodec6 ~]# (source /opt/contrail/api-venv/bin/activate ; python /usr/bin/ nodec6 8443 test3 test3 -v 2 )
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
project = admin
floating-ip = f3eec4d6-889e-46a3-a8f0-879dfaff6ca0
project = admin
floating-ip-pool = public_pool
security-group = default
access-control-list = default-access-control-list
virtual-network = VN1
network-ipam = default-network-ipam
"ipam_subnets": [
"subnet": {
"ip_prefix": "",
"ip_prefix_len": 24
"default_gateway": ""
"host_routes": null
routing-instance = VN1
route-target = 2
"import_export": null
virtual-network = public_vn
floating-ip-pool = public_pool
floating-ip = f3eec4d6-889e-46a3-a8f0-879dfaff6ca0
virtual-machine-interface = cdca35ce-84ad-45da-9331-7bc67b7fcca6
network-ipam = default-network-ipam
"ipam_subnets": [
"subnet": {
"ip_prefix": "",
"ip_prefix_len": 29
"default_gateway": ""
"host_routes": null
routing-instance = public_vn
route-target = 10003
"import_export": null
route-target = 1
"import_export": null
. . . .
. . . .
project = default-project
virtual-network = ip-fabric
routing-instance = __default__
bgp-router = nodec8
bgp-router = nodec7
"session": [
"attributes": [
"bgp_router": null,
"address_families": {
"family": [
"uuid": null
bgp-router = nodec7
bgp-router = mx1
bgp-router = nodec7
"session": [
"attributes": [
"bgp_router": null,
"address_families": {
"family": [
"uuid": null
bgp-router = nodec8
"session": [
"attributes": [
"bgp_router": null,
"address_families": {
"family": [
"uuid": null
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
View the BGP Peer Status on the Control Node
Use the Contrail UI or the control node http introspect on port 8083 to view the BGP peer status. In the following example, the control nodes are nodec7 and nodec8.
Ensure that the BGP peering state is displayed as Established for the control-nodes and the gateway MX.
Using the Contrail UI
Using the control-node introspect
Alternatively, use the following to view the BGP peering status.
Query Routes in the Public Virtual Network
On each control-node, a query on the routes in the public_vn lists the routes that are pushed by the MX gateway, which in the following example are and
In the following results, the floating IP route of is installed by the compute node (nodec10) that hosts that virtual machine.
Using the Contrail UI
Using the http introspect
A similar query can be performed as follows:
http://<nodename/ip>:8083/Snh_ShowRouteReq?x=<RoutingInstance of public VN>.inet.0
View Corresponding BGP L3VPN Routes
Use the Contrail UI or the http introspect to view the public route’s corresponding BGP L3VPN routes, as in the following.
Using the Contrail UI
Using the HTTP Introspect
Use the following http introspect queries to view corresponding BGP L3VPN routes:
Verification from the MX80 Gateway
This section provides options for verifying floating IP pools from the MX80 gateway.
Verify BGP Sessions are Established
Use the following commands from the gateway to verify that BGP sessions are established with the control nodes nodec7 and nodec8:
root@mx-host> show bgp neighbor
Peer: AS 64512 Local: AS 64512
Type: Internal State: Established Flags: <Sync>
Last State: OpenConfirm Last Event: RecvKeepAlive
Last Error: Hold Timer Expired Error
Options: <Preference LocalAddress KeepAll AddressFamily Rib-group Refresh>
Address families configured: inet-vpn-unicast
Local Address: Holdtime: 90 Preference: 170
Number of flaps: 216
Last flap event: HoldTime
Error: 'Hold Timer Expired Error' Sent: 68 Recv: 0
Error: 'Cease' Sent: 0 Recv: 43
Peer ID: Local ID: Active Holdtime: 90
Keepalive Interval: 30 Group index: 0 Peer index: 3
BFD: disabled, down
NLRI for restart configured on peer: inet-vpn-unicast
NLRI advertised by peer: inet-vpn-unicast
NLRI for this session: inet-vpn-unicast
Peer does not support Refresh capability
Stale routes from peer are kept for: 300
Peer does not support Restarter functionality
Peer does not support Receiver functionality
Peer does not support 4 byte AS extension
Peer does not support Addpath
Show Routes Learned from Control Nodes
From the MX80, use show route to display the routes for the virtual machine that are learned from both control-nodes.
In the following example, the routes learned are and, pointing to a dynamic GRE tunnel next hop with a label of 16 (of the virtual machine).
public.inet.0: 4 destinations, 5 routes (4 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
+ = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both *[Static/5] 10w6d 18:47:50
> to via ge-1/0/1.0 *[Direct/0] 10w6d 18:47:51
> via ge-1/0/1.0 *[Local/0] 10w6d 18:48:07
Local via ge-1/0/1.0 *[BGP/170] 09:42:43, localpref 100, from
AS path: ?, validation-state: unverified
> via gr-1/0/0.32779, Push 16
[BGP/170] 09:42:43, localpref 100, from
AS path: ?, validation-state: unverified
> via gr-1/0/0.32779, Push 16
The bgp.l3vpn.0 table should reflect the same information, as follows:
bgp.l3vpn.0: 9 destinations, 11 routes (9 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
+ = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both
*[BGP/170] 10:14:45, localpref 100, from
AS path: ?, validation-state: unverified
> via gr-1/0/0.32779, Push 16
[BGP/170] 10:14:45, localpref 100, from
AS path: ?, validation-state: unverified
> via gr-1/0/0.32779, Push 16
*[BGP/170] 09:46:51, localpref 100, from
AS path: ?, validation-state: unverified
> via gr-1/0/0.32779, Push 16
[BGP/170] 09:46:51, localpref 100, from
AS path: ?, validation-state: unverified
> via gr-1/0/0.32779, Push 16
View the Compute Node Vnsw Agent
The compute node introspect can be accessed from port 8085. In the following examples, the compute nodes are nodec9 and nodec10.
View Routing Instance Next Hops
On the routing instance of VN1, the routes and should have the next hop pointing to the MX gateway (
Using Contrail UI
Using the Unicast Route Table Index to View Next Hops
Alternatively, from the agent introspect, you can view the next hops at the unicast route table.
First, use the following to get the unicast route table index (ucindex ) for the routing instance default-domain:admin:public_vn:public_vn.
In the following example, the unicast route table index is 2.
Next, perform a route request query on ucindex 2, as shown in the following. The tunnel detail indicates the source and destination endpoints of the tunnel and the MPLS label 16 (the label of the virtual machine).
The query should also show a route for with an interface next hop of tap-interface.
Getting Details of the tap-interface
Use the following to query the tap-interface for more details on the VRF, VMI IP, and the floating IP with which the tap-interface is associated.
A ping from the MX gateway to the virtual machine’s floating IP in the public routing-instance should work.
Advanced Troubleshooting
If you still have reachability problems after performing all of the tests in this article, for example, a ping between the virtual machine and the MX IP or to public addresses is failing, try the following:
- Validate that all the required Contrail processes are running by using the contrail-status command on all of the nodes.
- On the compute node where the virtual machine is present (nodec10 in this example), perform a tcpdump on the tap interface (tcpdump –ni tapcdca35ce-84). The output should show the incoming packets from the virtual machine.
- Check to see if any packet drops occur in the kernel vrouter module:http://nodec10:8085/Snh_KDropStatsReq? In the output, scroll down to find any drops. Note: You can ignore any ds_invalid_arp increments.
- On the physical interface where packets transmit onto the compute-node, perform a tcpdump matching the host IP of the MX to show the GRE encapsulated packets, as in the following.
[root@nodec10 ~]# cat /etc/contrail/agent.conf |grep -A 1 eth-port
[root@nodec10 ~]# tcpdump -ni p1p0p0 host -vv
tcpdump: WARNING: p1p0p0: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: listening on p1p0p0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
02:06:51.729941 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 57430, offset 0, flags [DF], proto GRE (47), length 112) > GREv0, Flags [none], length 92
MPLS (label 16, exp 0, [S], ttl 54)
IP (tos 0x0, ttl 54, id 35986, offset 0, flags [none], proto ICMP (1), length 84) > ICMP echo request, id 53240, seq 242, length 64
02:06:51.730052 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 324, offset 0, flags [none], proto GRE (47), length 112) > GREv0, Flags [none], length 92
MPLS (label 16, exp 0, [S], ttl 64)
IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 33909, offset 0, flags [none], proto ICMP (1), length 84) > ICMP echo reply, id 53240, seq 242, length 64
02:06:52.732283 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 12675, offset 0, flags [DF], proto GRE (47), length 112) > GREv0, Flags [none], length 92
MPLS (label 16, exp 0, [S], ttl 54)
IP (tos 0x0, ttl 54, id 54155, offset 0, flags [none], proto ICMP (1), length 84) > ICMP echo request, id 53240, seq 243, length 64
02:06:52.732355 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 325, offset 0, flags [none], proto GRE (47), length 112) > GREv0, Flags [none], length 92
MPLS (label 16, exp 0, [S], ttl 64)
IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 33910, offset 0, flags [none], proto ICMP (1), length 84) > ICMP echo reply, id 53240, seq 243, length 64
4 packets captured
5 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
[root@nodec10 ~]#
- On the MX gateway, use the following to inspect the GRE tunnel rx/tx (received/transmitted) packet count:
root@mx-host> show interfaces gr-1/0/0.32779 |grep packets
Input packets : 542
Output packets: 559
root@blr-mx1> show interfaces gr-1/0/0.32779 |grep packets
Input packets : 544
Output packets: 561
- Look for any packet drops in the FPC, as in the following:
show pfe statistics traffic fpc <id>
- Also inspect the dynamic tunnels, using the following:
show dynamic-tunnels database