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FAQ: Layer 2 Circuits and Layer 2 VPN on MX Series Routers

By Erdem posted 02-04-2016 13:43


MPLS technology is evolving, with more services being offered using MPLS connectivity. Junos OS features are also evolving to implement these services on Juniper Networks routers.


The most common MPLS connectivity services include:

  • Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS)
  • Layer 3 virtual private networks (VPNs)
  • Layer 2 circuits and Layer 2 VPNs

Layer 2 circuits and Layer 2 VPNs are point-to-point Layer 2 services built over the service provider’s MPLS transport. This type of service establishes pseudowires using either LDP or BGP on the service provider core network.


To ramp up on Layer 2 circuits and Layer 2 VPNs in Junos OS, click Layer 2 VPNs and VPLS Feature Guide.


This article provides answers to the most common questions about Layer 2 circuits and Layer 2 VPNs on Juniper Networks MX Series routers.


  1. What is the solution for interprovider Option B connection between LDP-based Layer 2 circuits and BGP-based Layer 2 VPNs?
  2. What are the supported Layer 2 interworking stitching configurations?
  3. Can a Layer 2 circuit be terminated into VPLS?
  4. What is the behavior of a virtual tunnel interface in different services routing instances?

