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help with op script that save configuration file in remote backup server

  • 1.  help with op script that save configuration file in remote backup server

    Posted 03-11-2020 09:19

    Hi hall,

    I need help to run this script which should save the configuration on a bk server when I want without write all the command.


    version 1.0;
    ns junos = "*/junos";
    ns xnm = "";
    ns jcs = "";
    import "../import/junos.xsl";

    match / {
    <op-script-results> {

    var $rpc = <get-software-information>;
    var $result = jcs:invoke($rpc);
    var $filename = "/config/juniper.conf.gz";
    var $con = jcs : open();
    var $ftpurl = "/var/tmp/juni.gz";

    var $fileput = {
    <file-put> {

    var $out = jcs:execute($con, $fileput);

    expr jcs:close($con);

    var $local-out = jcs:invoke($fileput);
    <output> "Saving file on local host\n" _ $local-out;

    var $year = substring( $localtime-iso, 1, 4 );
    var $month = substring( $localtime-iso, 6, 2 );
    var $day = substring( $localtime-iso, 9, 2 );
    var $ora = substring( $localtime-iso, 12, 2 );
    var $minut = substring( $localtime-iso, 15, 2 );
    var $second = substring( $localtime-iso, 18, 2 );

    var $file-copy-rpc=<file-copy>{
    <destination>"scp://user@" _ $user _ "_" _ $year _ $month _ $day _ "_" _ $ora _ $minut _ $second _"_juniper.conf.gz";

    var $results=jcs:invoke($file-copy-rpc);
    <output> "Saving file on remote host\n" _ $results;


    When I run the result is:


    root@Router> op test
    Saving file on local host

    Saving file on remote host

    Permission denied, please try again.





  • 2.  RE: help with op script that save configuration file in remote backup server

    Posted 03-11-2020 20:18

    Hi Simonev,


    The error is indicative of write error on the destination.  If you can make this work from the Juniper device, then the op script should work as well:


    start shell
    scp /config/juniper.conf.gz user@

    Hope this helps.



    If this solves your problem, please mark this post as "Accepted Solution."
    Kudos are always appreciated :).

  • 3.  RE: help with op script that save configuration file in remote backup server

    Posted 03-12-2020 10:13


    I tried to add a new variable $connection to open a connection. 

    It still doesn't work, but I think I'm very far from the truth....


    version 1.0;
    ns junos = "*/junos";
    ns xnm = "";
    ns jcs = "";
    import "../import/junos.xsl";

    match / {
    <op-script-results> {

    var $rpc = <get-software-information>;
    var $result = jcs:invoke($rpc);
    var $filename = "/config/juniper.conf.gz";
    var $con = jcs: open();
    var $ftpurl = "/var/tmp/juni.gz";

    var $fileput = {
    <file-put> {

    var $out = jcs:execute($con, $fileput);
    expr jcs:close($con);
    var $local-out = jcs:invoke($fileput);
    <output> "Saving file on local host\n" _ $local-out;

    var $year = substring( $localtime-iso, 1, 4 );
    var $mounth = substring( $localtime-iso, 6, 2 );
    var $day = substring( $localtime-iso, 9, 2 );
    var $ora = substring( $localtime-iso, 12, 2 );
    var $minut = substring( $localtime-iso, 15, 2 );
    var $second = substring( $localtime-iso, 18, 2 );

    var $dcguser = {
    <username> "dcguser";
    <port> "22";

    var $connection = jcs: open("", $dcguser);


    var $file-copy-rpc=<file-copy>{
    <destination>"scp://dcguser@" _ $user _ "_" _ $year _ $mounth _ $day _ "_" _ $ora _ $minut _ $second _"_juniper.conf.gz";

    var $results=jcs:invoke($file-copy-rpc);
    <output> "Saving file on remote host\n" _ $results;
    expr jcs:close($con);

    Now the result is:


    root@Router> op test
    dcguser@'s password:
    error: error opening connection (reading credentials)
    error: Error in creating the session with "" server
    error: Session for server "" does not exist
    Saving file on local host

    Saving file on remote host

    Permission denied, please try again.


    If I try to connect directly with same credential from router (OS or SHELL) via ssh or tftp to server all it's ok.

    Is having all this in an automatism that I can't make it work.


  • 4.  RE: help with op script that save configuration file in remote backup server

    Posted 03-14-2020 02:15



    Please try the following


    version 1.0;
    ns junos = "*/junos";
    ns xnm = "";
    ns jcs = "";
    import "../import/junos.xsl";

    match / {
    <op-script-results> {

    var $rpc = <get-software-information>;
    var $result = jcs:invoke($rpc);
    var $filename = "/config/juniper.conf.gz";
    var $con = jcs:open();
    var $ftpurl = "/var/tmp/juni.gz";

    var $fileput = {
    <file-put> {

    var $out = jcs:execute($con, $fileput);

    expr jcs:close($con);

    var $local-out = jcs:invoke($fileput);
    <output> "Saving file on local host\n" _ $local-out;

    var $year = substring( $localtime-iso, 1, 4 );
    var $month = substring( $localtime-iso, 6, 2 );
    var $day = substring( $localtime-iso, 9, 2 );
    var $ora = substring( $localtime-iso, 12, 2 );
    var $minut = substring( $localtime-iso, 15, 2 );
    var $second = substring( $localtime-iso, 18, 2 );

    var $file-copy-rpc=<file-copy>{
    <destination>"ftp://dcguser:password@" _ $user _ "_" _ $year _ $month _ $day _ "_" _ $ora _ $minut _ $second _"_juniper.conf.gz";

    var $results=jcs:invoke($file-copy-rpc);
    <output> "Saving file on remote host\n" _ $results;


    Also please check your permission on the backup server.

  • 5.  RE: help with op script that save configuration file in remote backup server

    Posted 03-14-2020 05:22

    Thanks raviky,

    but I would like to know if it is possible to use scp or sftp and how. Smiley Tongue
    I can't use ftp because there is a firewall.

    Do you have any suggestions to give me?


  • 6.  RE: help with op script that save configuration file in remote backup server

    Posted 03-17-2020 23:18

    Hi Simone


    Could you use sftp instead of ftp in the script and check if you are able to get it work ?




  • 7.  RE: help with op script that save configuration file in remote backup server

    Posted 03-18-2020 02:44

    Hi Raviky,

    this is the result:


    ssh: Could not resolve hostname sftp: hostname nor servname provided, or not known.


    probably so there is a syntax problem, but i think then i will have the same ssh problem. 

    I think that as in linux for ssh sessions in automatic scripts you have to use public keys.

    although using the "set archive" command I have seen that the juniper already has a key saved for this server. I don't understand why it doesn't use that for the script ...

  • 8.  RE: help with op script that save configuration file in remote backup server

    Posted 03-18-2020 03:31



    Did the op script work with simple ftp for you ? Did we try the one i pasted earlier ? That script is working with ftp so it should not have any syntax error. Once that is done then try using sftp with archive option enabled. If there is no syntax error then with ftp the script should work and with sftp you should see key verification error i guess.



  • 9.  RE: help with op script that save configuration file in remote backup server

    Posted 03-18-2020 04:08

    I can't use or test ftp because there is a firewall in front of me...Smiley Sad

    sftp and scp use a different way of opening the session from ftp. first they give you the prompt and then they ask you for the password.

    you can't insert sftp://user:password@ip or scp://user:password@ip because junos appears to be unable to read the format for these protocols. Indeed the system output is:

    ssh: Could not resolve hostname sftp: hostname nor servname provided, or not known.


  • 10.  RE: help with op script that save configuration file in remote backup server

    Posted 03-18-2020 04:17

    can anyone post a slax or python script that opens an ssh session and does something on another router / server?

    or is this impossible because the system is limited?

  • 11.  RE: help with op script that save configuration file in remote backup server

    Posted 03-18-2020 07:51

    Hello Simonev,


    This python script works from a server to login to a Junos device and copy out a config file.  If you run this script periodically, believe that achieves your purpose.


    import datetime  # To record a time stamp of downloaded files
    import paramiko  # for SCP and any commands that don't require parsing the output.
    from scp import SCPClient  # To SCP files off the box
    def scp_config(ip,hostname, username,password):
        """ Purpose:
                Download the device config.
                ip - IP address for device
                hostname - User selected device
                username - User provided username for SCP session
                password - User provided password for SCP session
        scp_source = '/config/juniper.conf.gz'
        scp_dest = './%s_%s.conf.gz' % (hostname,
            ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
            ssh.connect(ip, port=22,username=username,password=password)
            scp = SCPClient(ssh.get_transport())
            scp.get(scp_source, scp_dest)
            print('Received %s from %s at %s' % (scp_source, hostname,ip))
        except paramiko.AuthenticationException:
            print('Bad username or password for %s at %s\n' % (hostname, ip))
            print('%s Undefined error received. Check username, password and permissions.' % hostname)

    There are more ways to login and do things with Python, especially using "getpass" to hide your password if need be.  Check here:


    Hope this helps.



    If this solves your problem, please mark this post as "Accepted Solution."
    Kudos are always appreciated :).

  • 12.  RE: help with op script that save configuration file in remote backup server

    Posted 03-19-2020 03:20



    Below python scriptthat works to transfer file from the local device to a remote server.

    It will prompt for the server ip, username and password and transfer the juniper.conf.gz to the destination server. Please edit the destination directory as per the requirement.


    import paramiko
    import sys #Used for the stdout,stdin,stderr
    import socket
    import re #This is for regular expression although not used in this program
    from paramiko import SSHClient 
    from scp import SCPClient
    import paramiko
    import getpass
    from pprint import pprint 
    import time
    import subprocess, platform



    def ping_test(sHost): #This function is to test the ping to the server and return True only when the respective node is reachable.
    output = subprocess.check_output("ping -{} 1 {}".format('n' if platform.system().lower()=="windows" else 'c', sHost), shell=True)

    except Exception, e:
    return False

    return True


    def credentials(): #This function is to get the linux credentials to provide to -server.
    global _server #defining the global variable.
    global user
    global passwd
    _server = raw_input("Please enter the -server ip or hostname: ")
    _server = _server.strip()

    if ping_test(_server) is True:
    print'_server is Accessible'
    print'Unable to connect to the _server'
    user = raw_input("Please enter the username: ")
    user = user.strip()
    passwd = getpass.getpass("Password: ")

    def scp():
    print ('Accessing _server %s' % (_server))
    client = paramiko.SSHClient() #Using the paramiko package SSHClient to access the -server.
    client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) #This is required to bypass the requirement of host keys.
    client.connect(_server, username=user, password=passwd, timeout = 10)
    print ('Unable to connect _server %s' % (_server))

    print ('Connected to %s' % (_server))
    sftp = client.open_sftp()





    Hope this helps

  • 13.  RE: help with op script that save configuration file in remote backup server
    Best Answer

    Posted 03-20-2020 06:48

    Hy Raviky,

    your script did not work on my junos (I don't know why), but it gave me the right idea to finally write a script that does what I needed .... 🙂


    This is my script:


    #these imports are for ssh, date time and juniper info.

    from junos import Junos_Context
    import paramiko
    from datetime import datetime
    import jcs

    user = Junos_Context['user-context']['login-name']
    hostname = Junos_Context['hostname']
    now =
    day = now.strftime('%Y%m%d')
    hour = now.strftime('%H%M%S')

    #these are used to enter remote server ip, login and password

    host = ''
    login = 'mylogin'
    passw = 'mypassword'

    #Sets up the ssh session and logs in as login "mylogin" with password "mypassword"
    #to host ''
    #Also added "look_for_keys=False" and "allow_agent=False".
    #Hopefully this is clear, if we can't establish a connection, we'll set "chan" to false.
    #otherwise the configuration file is saved in the defined folder of the server
    #with all the data of who saved the file and when.
    #"All it's ok" message when done.

    ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
    ssh.connect(host, username=login, password=passw, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False)
    chan = ssh.invoke_shell()
    print "Login to %s failed" % (host,)
    chan = False

    if chan:
    sftp = ssh.open_sftp()
    sftp.put('/config/juniper.conf.gz','/backups/config/%s_%s_%s_%s_juniper.conf.gz' % (user,hostname,day,hour))


    print "All it's OK %s ! " % (user,)

    print "Sorry, there is no connection to the host %s" % (host,)



    thanks to all!

  • 14.  RE: help with op script that save configuration file in remote backup server

    Posted 03-20-2020 20:50



    The python script might not have worked may be due to old junos code. I ran this script on 18.1. But this should server the purpose.

    Glad to help.