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  • 1.  QFX5200 warning prevent automation to work.

    Posted 07-12-2021 06:25

    We use Ansible and Napalm to automate our configuration process.
    It works well with many devices but we have an issue with QFX5200-48y.

    When we change the channel speed it leads to a "warning". This is the expected behaviour.
    root@5200-1# set system name-server
    root@5200-1# show | compare
    warning: 25g config will be applied to ports 0 to 3
    [edit system]
    +  name-server {
    +  }

    Unfortunatly it breaks our automated process (Ansible and Napalm).

    For instance. When trying to deploy a piece of configuration using Ansible we have the following message.

    TASK [Deploy DNS configuration] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    fatal: [qfx5200-15]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failure diffing the configuraton: RpcError(severity: warning, bad_element: None, message: warning: 25g config will be applied to ports 0 to 3)"}

    Is there any way to prevent the QFX from warning or to prevent Ansible/Napalm/Netconf from failing after a simple "warning"?

    Thank you for your help
    Best regards


  • 2.  RE: QFX5200 warning prevent automation to work.
    Best Answer

    Posted 07-12-2021 12:34

    You can set the task to ignore rpc_errors with a warning level by using "ignore_warning: true",  all rpc_error elements with higher severity levels will still raise exceptions.

    You can also set the string, or list of strings, to ignore:
              - "Advertisement-interval is less than four times"
              - "Chassis configuration for network services has been changed."

    Documentation can be found in the link below:

    - name: Configure Device 
      hosts: dc1
      connection: local
      gather_facts: no
        - name: Configure op script
            config_mode: "private"
            load: "set"
              - "set system scripts op file bgp.slax"
            ignore_warning: true
          register: response
        - name: Print the response
            var: response​

    Benjamin Griffin

  • 3.  RE: QFX5200 warning prevent automation to work.

    Posted 07-13-2021 10:01
    Hi Ben... and thanks a lot.

    It works!

    Thank you for your help.