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  • 1.  Using RPM to track the next-hop of a static route (MX960)

    Posted 10-11-2022 13:50
    Hi All,

    Is there anyway of using RPM to track the reachability of a static route's next-hop address (using rpm-tracking and ICMP ping etc) so that IF the next-hop becomes unreachable (and the RPM test fails) the static/rpm-tracking route is withdrawn from the routing-table and becomes invalid for redistribution into BGP etc.?

    And before you all shout "Use BFD!" ... well sadly I can't used BFD for the static route because the router at the other end (i.e. the owner of the next-hop address) doesn't support BFD! :-)

    P.S. I have an L2 switch between my MX960 (running Junos: 19.3R2-S2.2) and the router at the other end - hence the question!


  • 2.  RE: Using RPM to track the next-hop of a static route (MX960)

    Posted 10-11-2022 14:56
    hi, yes it is, but not as easier as Cisco IP SLA hehe

    you could check in this link, is the same exact config you need


  • 3.  RE: Using RPM to track the next-hop of a static route (MX960)

    Posted 10-12-2022 06:25

    I'm aware of ip-monitoring, but sadly it's not available on the MX series ... hence my question!