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  • 1.  Upgrading Remote EX3400 Virtual Chassis

    Posted 10-27-2022 16:06
    I have a remote site that is off-line, but connected to a console server, that has a 2 switch VC using EX3400's.  Virtual Chassis comes up, but one of them is Inactive.  Turns out, the inactive device is running JUNOS 18.1.  The active device and Master is on 18.2.  Probably why it's not doing so well.  No JUNOS copied into the var/tmp directory on either switch.
    I do have console access to both devices.  They are not reachable via a network connection, as they are being configured to replace some old C-word switches.

    Is there a command that will copy the 18.2 JUNOS from member 0 over to member 1 that will get me on the same version, and restore order in my life?   We tried to update both switches to 20.4R3 using a USB, loader> method, but could not get that to work.  

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • 2.  RE: Upgrading Remote EX3400 Virtual Chassis

    Posted 10-29-2022 06:18
    Pretty sure file transfer is not enabled on console connections.  So typically we would put the file on usb and mount it from there.


    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)