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  • Ansible is very useful... and the Day One book on Automating Junos with Ansible is a good start. ------------------------------ PER GRANATH ------------------------------

  • Well the first option that comes to mind is Junos Space. While reactions are sometimes mixed about it, for the job of storing SLAX scripts, and deploying scripts to devices it actually does a good job. Also supports bundles of scripts. Downside is ...

  • Hello all. I now have a few scripts that I created. Is there a good way to distribute the scripts to all my switches or somehow have them located at a central location so they can fetch them as needed. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. ------------------------------ ...

  • yup that is what I have, but it still only get the first line back from pools [serveradmin@RHEL8-20230921 junos-pyezP311]$ cat #!/home/serveradmin/code/junos-pyezP311/venv/bin/python from jnpr.junos import Device from pprint import ...

  • Example shown below: from jnpr.junos import Device from jnpr.junos.utils.fs import FS if __name__ == "__main__": with Device() as dev: fs = FS(dev) fs.storage_cleanup() More examples can be found on the Junos PyEZ Developer Guide. ...

  • Thanks for sharing the SLAX op type. My goal is to achieve same but using Python script. I was checking the module jnpr.junos.utils.fs in order to use the method storage_cleanup() storage_cleanup() : perform storage storage_cleanup doc ...

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    RE: Slax script for rpd

    When you ran the script just as an OP script, did you see data being pushed to the MIB? 1. Run the OP script : op collect_rpd_cpu.slax 2. Walk the utility mib and see if data is being recorded. show snmp mib walk jnxUtil ascii jnxUtilIntegerValue."RPD_normalized_cpu" ...


  • JNCIA-DEVOPS Exam Overview webcast

    Sign-up for the upcoming #free expert-led online webcast on Automation & DevOps #JNCIA-DEVOPS certification and gain an understanding on #automation tools and associated best practices. Get a chance to get your questions answered live by our expert Jordan Head.

    Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2024, 8 AM PST

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