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  • 1.  Ex 4300 Management Interface

    Posted 02-23-2022 11:43
    Edited by Michael Pappas 02-23-2022 14:50

    I am brand new to Juniper, trained and certified and Cisco. So far I am not liking these things but my boss bought them so I need to learn...

    All I'm trying to do is setup the physical management interface. The instructions say to do this: set interfaces me0 unit 0 family inet address

    So I did that but I get an error when I commit:  Address cannot be configured on me0 and vme at the same time

    I haven't even touched a vme interface so what gives?! 

    MGMT Error

    Interface Show



  • 2.  RE: Ex 4300 Management Interface

    Posted 02-23-2022 14:51
    By default vme had "dhcp" enabled. Removed it, still didn't work.
    Then I removed the "inet" configuration on vme, After that the commit for me0 worked.


  • 3.  RE: Ex 4300 Management Interface

    Posted 02-24-2022 10:40
    Welcome to the Juniper side of the world :) I was in a similar place a few years ago, but now far prefer JUNOS to IOS.

    Here's a list of resources I provide to my customers when they start to look at making the switch:

    Juniper Learning Center - https://learningportal.juniper.net/juniper/default.aspx

    Juniper has a bunch of free courses you can take to get spun up on JUNOS. My favorite to highlight is the JUNOS for Cisco engineers ( https://learningportal.juniper.net/juniper/user_activity_info.aspx?id=EDU-JUN-WBT-HW-JSCE ). Since you're used to configuring Cisco switches this helps show you the comparable commands, etc.

    Day One Books - https://www.juniper.net/documentation/jnbooks/us/en/day-one-books

    These are books written by actual engineers that go into specific detail on topics. Good ones to look at might be:



    Beyond that is this a single switch or a virtual chassis (switch stack)? the vme is usually configured for a virtual chassis and floats across the physical interfaces.

    Allyn Crowe