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What is the recommended way of adding a device root password to Junos Space be used in SLAX / OP script?

  • 1.  What is the recommended way of adding a device root password to Junos Space be used in SLAX / OP script?

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 08-13-2024 10:05
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    Hi, I am creating a SLAX script to clean up storage space on EX switches to be able to run Junos Upgrades. Some shell commands, like

    pkg setop rm previous

    need root permissions.

    I found a workaround to pass the root password to "su" to run a sh script as root:

    set $shellCmd = {
      <request-shell-execute> {
        <command> 'sh -c "(sleep 1;echo ' _ $secret _ ')|script -q /dev/null su root -c ' _ "'sh /tmp/'" _ '"';
    set $shellCmdResult = jcs:execute($connection, $shellCmd);

    For clarification, what is run on the shell, without all the concatenation and nesting of the quotes:

    sh -c "(sleep 1;echo $secret )|script -q /dev/null su root -c 'sh <some-sh-script>'"

    What is the best way of retrieving and/or storing the root password in Junos Space? I currently use

    var $arguments = {
        <argument> {
            <name> "secret";
            <description> "root password";

    in the boiler plate of the SLAX script, but my fear is that this is error prone (users will forget to fill out the corresponding field) and I am also afraid of arguments to scripts being logged somewhere in clear text.

  • 2.  RE: What is the recommended way of adding a device root password to Junos Space be used in SLAX / OP script?

    Posted 08-13-2024 16:05

    It has been a very very long time since I last did something with credentials on Junos Space.  But if I recall correctly, there was an attribute that could be used to pass the device credentials present in Junos Space to a SLAX script.

    The annotation was @PASSDEVICECREDENTIALS = "true"

    Reference: Script Annotations

    This would return the credentials that Junos Space was managing the device with in a data structure that could then be manipulated to obtain the credentials.

    I used to use the following approach in SLAX, but this was a long long time ago, and I honestly have no idea if this approach would work in recent versions of Junos Space, since I wrote this about 10 years ago or so.

    version 1.1;
    ns junos = "*/junos";
    ns xnm = "";
    ns jcs = "";
    ns str = "";
    ns func extension 	= "";
    ns jspace = "http://jspace-utils/";
    import "../import/junos.xsl";
    /* @CONTEXT = "/device" */
    /* @NAME = "Example script" */
    /* @DESCRIPTION = "Example script" */
    /* @ISLOCAL = "true" */
    match / {
    	<op-script-results> {
    		<output> {
    			var $devices = jspace:credentials();
    			for-each ($devices/device) {
    				expr "Device: " _ host _ " : user : " _ user _ " : passwd : " _ passwd _ "\n"; 
    <func:function name="jspace:credentials"> {
    	if( $CONTEXT ) {
    		var $splitCredentials = str:split( $credentials, "\\;" );
    		var $targets := {
    			for-each ( $splitCredentials ) {
    				var $splitCredential = str:split( ., "\\:" );
    				var $user-target = str:split($splitCredential[1], "\@");
    				var $host = substring-before( substring-after( $deviceipmap, substring-after( $splitCredential[1], "@" ) _ "\":\"" ), "\"" );
    				<device> {
    					<target> {
    						expr $user-target[2];
    					<user> {
    						expr $user-target[1];
    					<passwd> {
    						expr $splitCredential[2];
    					<host> {
    						expr $host;
    		<func:result select="$targets">;
    	else {
    		<func:result select="false()">;

    This might be of some use to you.


    Andy Sharp