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What are the costs of DIY network automation?

  • 1.  What are the costs of DIY network automation?

    Posted 04-18-2023 10:46

    We're trying something new… introducing the What's New with Data Centers quarterly webinar series.  This series is dedicated to discussing topics you, our valued customers, want to hear and to keep you up to date with the most pressing innovations impacting your world of data centers!

    To get things started we are talking about DIY Data Center Networking Automation. Arun Ghandi, Juniper Networks' own data center expert, will discuss the key motivations, challenges, and true costs of DIY data center network automation.

    Register to join the live webinar on April 26th, 2023, at 8AM PST/10AM EST

    Register Today!

    What are your questions?

    • If you can't make the live session reply to this post with your questions for Arun Ghandi.
    • Also, reply with what you would like to hear from us on the next episode of What's New with Data Centers.

    Harrison Xue