Training and Certification

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How to get the most from Juniper's education services and get advice on your certification journey.
  • 1.  Voucher Code Is Not Working

    Posted 09-15-2024 19:45

    Hi, I received a voucher code after passing the Voucher test, but that doesn't seem to work to book an "in-person at a test center". I sent an email to but haven't got any response so I think that may not be the correct way to contact the cert team. I have attached the evidence in the following image. Can you please provide me with a way to contact them so someone can help me? I appreciate your help. Thanks.

    Voucher Code Isn't Working

    Bagaskara Riko Pangestu

  • 2.  RE: Voucher Code Is Not Working

    Posted 09-15-2024 19:55

    As an unofficial answer, I would interpret the message to mean that the particular training exam center selected is not able to accept the voucher.  If there is another convenient one in your area give that one a try.

    For certification issues you can also try to email  for questions like this too.

    Steve Puluka BSEET - Juniper Ambassador
    IP Architect - DQE Communications Pittsburgh, PA (Metro Ethernet & ISP - Retired)

  • 3.  RE: Voucher Code Is Not Working

    Posted 09-17-2024 21:56
    Edited by Avnika Malhotra 09-17-2024 21:57

    Hi Bhaskara,

    The vouchers gained through voucher assessment tests as part of the Juniper Open learning program are only valid for the online exams.

    These cannot be used at any of the testing centers. If you have further queries related to the voucher, please see the related FAQs here:

    Hope the above helps,



    Avnika Malhotra