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  • 1.  Unclear instruction in the JNCIE-ENT study bundle.

    Posted 08-16-2023 08:21


    Here is one of the instructions in the JNCIE-ENT Study Bundle (Super Lab 1, Task 3, Step6).

    "Ensure that Python commit scripts are allowed to be stored off-box. Other commit scripts should only be allowed to be stored on-box."

    Can someone please help me understand what this means? 



  • 2.  RE: Unclear instruction in the JNCIE-ENT study bundle.

    Posted 08-16-2023 16:47

    I think the intention of the task is for you to enable the python capabilities under the scripts hierarchy which you also have to enable to complete one of the previous tasks. I will need to look into this a bit more because I am not sure that this setting enables the ability to have an off-box commit script. 

        scripts {
            commit {
                file loopback;
            language python;

    Josh Verhaal
    Certification and Courseware developer @ Juniper Networks

  • 3.  RE: Unclear instruction in the JNCIE-ENT study bundle.

    Posted 08-21-2023 16:07


    I am sorry for the delay in my getting back to regarding this. I had a couple discussions with some of our internal SMEs regarding this task and the concensus is that the task was likely supposed to be about "op" scripts being stored off-box. I came to this conclusion based on information about configuring the python language. There is a note that highlights the ability to have off-box python op scripts. "To execute Python op scripts from a remote site, you must configure the allow-url-for-python statement at the [edit system scripts op] hierarchy level." I could not find anything about this ability being available for commit scripts. I would not think you would want a commit script to be located off-box in the event that the hosting device becomes unavailable, which would cause all commits to fail until that location becomes available.

    As you already know, this task is not completed in the detailed walk through (Super lab appendix) and was just overlooked. I have created an errata ticket to have this task either removed or updated for an op script instead of commit script. This errata would be addressed during the next update of the SSB and will not be reflected in your current version (no current time frame around when that will be).

    My recommendation is to just ignore this step in the SSB at this time and continue your studies.

    Josh Verhaal
    Certification and Courseware developer @ Juniper Networks

  • 4.  RE: Unclear instruction in the JNCIE-ENT study bundle.

    Posted 08-22-2023 06:06

    Thank you, Josh.


    Juniper Business Use Only

    Josh Verhaal via Juniper Networks <>
    Date: Monday, 21 August 2023 at 22:08
    To: Deepak Jadhav <>
    Subject: RE: Training and Certification : Unclear instruction in the JNCIE-ENT study bundle.

    Deepak, I am sorry for the delay in my getting back to regarding this. I had a couple discussions with some of our internal SMEs regarding this... -posted to the "Training and Certification" community

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    Re: Unclear instruction in the JNCIE-ENT study bundle.

    Aug 21, 2023 4:07 PM

    Josh Verhaal


    I am sorry for the delay in my getting back to regarding this. I had a couple discussions with some of our internal SMEs regarding this task and the concensus is that the task was likely supposed to be about "op" scripts being stored off-box. I came to this conclusion based on information about configuring the python language. There is a note that highlights the ability to have off-box python op scripts. "To execute Python op scripts from a remote site, you must configure the allow-url-for-python statement at the [edit system scripts op] hierarchy level." I could not find anything about this ability being available for commit scripts. I would not think you would want a commit script to be located off-box in the event that the hosting device becomes unavailable, which would cause all commits to fail until that location becomes available.

    As you already know, this task is not completed in the detailed walk through (Super lab appendix) and was just overlooked. I have created an errata ticket to have this task either removed or updated for an op script instead of commit script. This errata would be addressed during the next update of the SSB and will not be reflected in your current version (no current time frame around when that will be).

    My recommendation is to just ignore this step in the SSB at this time and continue your studies.

    Josh Verhaal
    Certification and Courseware developer @ Juniper Networks

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    Here is one of the instructions in the JNCIE-ENT Study Bundle (Super Lab 1, Task 3, Step6).

    "Ensure that Python commit scripts are allowed to be stored off-box. Other commit scripts should only be allowed to be stored on-box."

    Can someone please help me understand what this means? 





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    Original Message:
    Sent: 8/21/2023 4:07:00 PM
    From: Josh Verhaal
    Subject: RE: Unclear instruction in the JNCIE-ENT study bundle.


    I am sorry for the delay in my getting back to regarding this. I had a couple discussions with some of our internal SMEs regarding this task and the concensus is that the task was likely supposed to be about "op" scripts being stored off-box. I came to this conclusion based on information about configuring the python language. There is a note that highlights the ability to have off-box python op scripts. "To execute Python op scripts from a remote site, you must configure the allow-url-for-python statement at the [edit system scripts op] hierarchy level." I could not find anything about this ability being available for commit scripts. I would not think you would want a commit script to be located off-box in the event that the hosting device becomes unavailable, which would cause all commits to fail until that location becomes available.

    As you already know, this task is not completed in the detailed walk through (Super lab appendix) and was just overlooked. I have created an errata ticket to have this task either removed or updated for an op script instead of commit script. This errata would be addressed during the next update of the SSB and will not be reflected in your current version (no current time frame around when that will be).

    My recommendation is to just ignore this step in the SSB at this time and continue your studies.

    Josh Verhaal
    Certification and Courseware developer @ Juniper Networks