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Ask questions and share experiences with SD-WAN and Session Smart Router (formerly 128T).
  • 1.  Trivia Tuesday: Variables

    Posted 09-21-2023 08:18

    Hey everyone,

    For this week's trivia question, I want to show off variables:

    What is the IP address of my LAN interface?


    Justin Melloni

  • 2.  RE: Trivia Tuesday: Variables

    Posted 09-22-2023 02:04

    Sheetanshu Shekhar

  • 3.  RE: Trivia Tuesday: Variables

    Posted 09-22-2023 10:53

    Himesh Ratra

  • 4.  RE: Trivia Tuesday: Variables

    Posted 09-25-2023 13:06

    @Sheetanshu and @Himesh, you got it!

    The correct answer is  Variables are really neat in the Mist Cloud! I can basically take any part of my configuration and turn it into a variable by adding a tag and 2 sets of squiggly brackets {{}}. I then give those variables a value, by going to the Site Configuration and inserting the variable and its value under Site Variables.

    This is super powerful because it can simplify very large deployments. For examples, I may have 5000 different sites, but they are all the same with only a few differences. I can then stick to just 1 template and use the variables to account for the differences. 

    Justin Melloni