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  • 1.  SLAX Script Help

    Posted 09-14-2023 10:48

    Hi All,

    Here below is my slax script for show services nat source pool all command.

    version 1.0;
    ns junos = "*/junos";
    ns xnm = "";
    ns jcs = "";
    import "../import/junos.xsl";
    match / {
        <op-script-results> {
            var $rpc = {
                <retrieve-srv-source-nat-pool-information> {
            var $out = jcs:invoke($rpc);
            /*expr jcs:output($out);*/

            for-each ($out/source-nat-pool-info-entry) {
                var $poolname = ./pool-name;
                var $poolusers = ./source-pool-users;
                expr jcs:output("Pool-name: ", $poolname);
                expr jcs:output("Users Count: ", $poolusers);


    The output of the script is:

    Pool-Name: Pool-1
    Users Count: 5
    Pool-Name: Pool-2
    Users Count: 2

    I want to get the total users count, for ex.  pool-1+pool-2... any idea on how to execute using slax. Thanks.


  • 2.  RE: SLAX Script Help

    Posted 10-03-2023 16:19

    Hi Gerald,

    Create a mutable varible: 
    mvar $totalusers = 0;

    Under the for each statement you want to add the pool user to the total count 
    set $totalusers = $totalusers + $poolusers;

    Then print the total at the end.
    expr jcs:output("Total Users: " _ $totalusers);


  • 3.  RE: SLAX Script Help

    Posted 10-04-2023 06:11

    Thanks Gavin.  Another question, how can I map the default:INSIDE lsir-name to its  lsri-count. Based on my slax script, it seems that the lsri-name & lsri-count is same object level.

    show command in json 

                "attributes" : {"junos:style" : "lsri-summary"}, 
                "lsri-name" : [
                    "data" : "default"
                "lsri-count" : [
                    "data" : "1"
                "lsri-name" : [
                    "data" : "default:INSIDE"
                "lsri-count" : [
                    "data" : "2"
                "lsri-total" : [
                    "data" : "3"

    0riginal Command:

    show subscribers summary all 
    Subscribers by State
       Active: 3
       Total: 3
    Subscribers by Client Type
       DHCP: 1
       VLAN: 1
       PPPoE: 1
       Total: 3
    Subscribers by LS:RI
       default: 1
       default:INSIDE: 2
       Total: 3

    My slax script to verify elements.

    version 1.0;

    ns junos = "*/junos";
    ns xnm = "";
    ns jcs = "";
    import "../import/junos.xsl";

    match / {
        var $cmd = <command> "show subscribers summary all";
        var $out = jcs:invoke($cmd);
        mvar $pppoe_users = 0;

        for-each ($out/counters/lsri-name) {
            expr jcs:output(.);
        for-each ($out/counters/lsri-count){
            expr jcs:output(.);
    Thanks again


  • 4.  RE: SLAX Script Help

    Posted 10-04-2023 20:49

    Hi Gerald,

    I don't have a working example with me. But you may be able to summarize some of those for-each loops to start at the sub-branch and take action on each element within each XML branch. 

    To better understand the XML tree structure, can you provide the XML output of the show command for us? JSON can be a bit mysterious to read.

    You will get something similar to below but with data we can verify your scripts against...

    <rpc-reply xmlns:junos="">
        <subscribers-summary-information xmlns="">
            <counters junos:style="state-summary">
            <counters junos:style="type-summary">
            <counters junos:style="lsri-summary">
            <counters junos:style="lsri-zero-summary">


  • 5.  RE: SLAX Script Help

    Posted 10-04-2023 21:36

    Hi Sir Gavin,

    Thank you for your time. Here is the xml output

    <rpc-reply xmlns:junos="">
        <subscribers-summary-information xmlns="">
            <counters junos:style="state-summary">
            <counters junos:style="type-summary">
            <counters junos:style="lsri-summary">

    And when I run my test-script, here is the output. 


    I am thinking that lsri-name & lsri-count are siblings since they are same level within the counters. That's why I can't map lsri-name to lsri-count when using slax script. Or are there another way around.


  • 6.  RE: SLAX Script Help

    Posted 10-05-2023 16:46

    hmm, that's interesting, they are all at the same level. 
    We will now have to iterate over each of the elements and join them based on [element id], not something that's 100% reliable but it should suffice in this case.

    (Logic: The while loop steps through the element id until the element no longer exists.)

            mvar $next = true();
            mvar $count = 1;
            while (($next)) {
                if ($out/counters/lsri-name[$count]) {
                    expr jcs:output($out/counters/lsri-name[$count] _ ": "  _ $out/counters/lsri-count[$count]);
                else (
                    set $next = false();
                set $count = $count + 1;
            expr jcs:output("Total lsri: " _ $out/counters/lsri-total);
