You'll see the curly braces when displaying the configuration (if more than one address present). To set the configuration use multiple set firewall family inet filter yada term blah from source-address IP_ADDRESS_HERE lines.
Just play with it -- configure some filter without committing the configuration and see how it looks.
Nikolay Semov
Original Message:
Sent: 01-06-2025 12:21
Subject: Setting up a firewall filter with multiple "source-address" to evaluate. Syntax?
I need to evaluate traffic entering our SRX cluster to check for a short list of source devices and route them to a specific outgoing port on the SRX. I haven't found the syntax to have multiple entries under source-address online.
is it just ...source-address { IP-1 IP_2 IP_3 ...} ? By this I mean simply list each IP with a space between each one and then close the list with the "}" character.
I found one example that showed multiple "set source-address xxx.yyy.zzz.qqq; " lines in the stanza style syntax, but nothing so far in the " display set " type syntax.